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"HIS MOTHER IS A WHAT?!" Rosalie shrieked, after Alice told the entire family what had happened, "This is bad. This is incredibly bad." The blonde whispered, taking the bridge of her nose between her index-finger and her thumb. Jasper could totally understand her fear, for the Quileute-tribe was completely informed of their specie.

"Alice... if she's a Quileute, that could mean that Collin is a," Edward hesitated, a scowl forming on his face, "dog." Alice growled at him protectively, and most of the Cullens backed away, surprised at Alice's posture. She never did something like that.

"I don't care what he is, I love him!" She announced, before marching out of the room, Jasper following his best friend quickly.

"Way to go, Edward." He muttered under his breath, knowing that the entire family would hear him. 'You couldn't save it for when she would go hunting, could you?' he added over his thoughts, angry at his brother for upsetting his sister and best friend.

For as long as he wanted to remember, Jasper and Alice had been best friends. When they met, Jasper was depressed from what had created his scars. He was depressed from Maria's betrayal and lies. Maria was the vampire that had turned him, the night before the Civil War started. That should've been the gate to freedom in his life. He'd fight side-to-side with his oldest brother, Luther Whitlock. The one that never made fun of him and took him serious at all times. But when Maria came and turned him, that chance was taken away from him. Jasper got manipulated and forced to train multiple young vampires into their deaths. The ones that survived, he had to kill them too.

Then, once he'd fled Maria's coven with Peter and Charlotte, his only friends from Maria's army, Jasper found out that with every prey he killed, with every human he drained of blood, their emotions were nothing but pure fear.

He'd left Peter and Charlotte, wanting to seek for another alternative, and in a bar in Philadelphia, Jasper had met the little pixie called Alice. Together they'd looked for the Cullen clan and he had switched from human blood to animal blood, with success. In the meantime, nearly hundred-fifty years had passed and everything familiar to Jasper of America's society had vanished. Jasper owed his humanity to Alice and so much more. He loved her like a sister.

"Alice?" Jasper asked, opening the door to her bedroom. She wasn't there.

The black Audi R8 pulled up the sandy driveway. The background-sound of the sea had a calming effect on Lilian and the green setting only added to that calming sensation that the Quileute's Reservation gave her.

She exited her car and walked up to the porch, where a muscled man, who Lilian knew was her cousin, and another boy, who was muscled all the same. Lilian noticed only now, that both men had the same tattoo on their right shoulder. A tattoo that was familiar to her, but she couldn't place it. "Damn it, I have that often." She mumbled.

"Hey, Sam! Good to see you again. Who's this?" Lilian asked, jumping on the porch, skipping the stairs that were built for it.

"Lil, this is Paul." Sam said, and the muscular boy smirked, extending his hand to her.

"Hi," Paul said flirtatiously, "I'm Paul."

"And I'm not interested." Lilian immediately retorted, smirking at Paul's shocked expression.

"You're mean."

"I know." Lilian shrugged, taking his lowering hand, "But the name's Lilian, by the way."

"Nice to meet you Lilian."

"What are you actually doing here, Lil? You're not one for spontaneous family-visits." Sam stated, speaking the truth.

"No, I am not. I just wanted to invite you and your mom to a Christmas party that Collin is organizing. Considering that it was an eventful year and mom and dad are back home again, my dearest twin came with the idea of planning a little party." Lilian announced, the last part of her invitation dripping of pure sarcasm.

"I guess we can't exactly decline, can we?" Sam smirked, putting his hand on Lilian's shoulder, "We'll be there. You mind if I bring a date?"

"You don't have to bring Leah, Sam. Collin and I are planning to invite the entire Clearwater-family, considering that they've always such great friends to your mom and mine." Lilian explained, causing Sam to swift uncomfortably.

"I wasn't talking about Leah... we're actually not together anymore." He muttered, but Lilian shrugged and gave it a rest.

"Okay, I don't mind. She's still coming though, so... just don't try to make the ambiance awkward, right?"

"Yes ma'am." Sam mocked, saluting her like a militar from the army. Lilian just smirked and turned around.

"Was nice to meet you Pascal!" She called, not turning around. Lilian opened the driver's porter and stepped in. Whilst she drove away to Cora's Diner to meet up with Tyler, she couldn't help but wonder why her mother got actually so mad at her brother and Alice.

"So, your party's been realized, isn't it?" Emmet teased Alice, as they sat around the table with Edward, Rosalie and Jasper. Jasper's gaze sought for Alice's in disarray.

"What party?" He asked, he hadn't heard of any party. That's when Alice giggled. She giggled.

"The Christmas party Collin and I have organized at his place," Alice said, "We're planning on inviting most of the Juniors and Seniors, including us."

"And why is that exactly necessary?" Jasper objected, he didn't like parties, certainly not human parties.

"Because it's fun! And it helps us socialize in the community of Forks." Edward answered for Alice, reading her mind. Jasper just didn't understand it. Why now, of all times? Why under the circumstances of Christmas, when the family usually goes on a five-day hunting-trip?

"Okay, so you're against the party because you wanted to hunt in those days, or because you just don't want to be near all the boys that are going to flirt with Lilian Harper?" Edward teased Jasper, and he growled in return. Stupid mind reader,he thought, with a few insults that shall not be repeated.

"No need to get angry at me, Jazz." Edward mused, knowing that he was right. Jasper knew he was as well. In the last couple of weeks, Lilian Harper had changed from this 'Don't fuck with me'-attitude, to the 'Just don't piss me off'- attitude. There was a big difference between them, because the latter had made her more attractive. Not only to Jasper, but to the entire male population of Forks High School.

Lilian slammed her car door shut, walking towards the Diner. Tyler, Mike, Eric and Angela already took a table, and saved her a seat.

"Nice of you to show up." Mike mocked, but Lilian shot him a good old glare and he immediately shut up.

"What's up Newton? Cat got your tongue?" Eric joked, making Tyler and Angela burst out of laughter. Lilian just sat down and enjoyed the show. These people were her 'saviors' somehow, for Tyler had helped Lilian realize that life wasn't all about being smart and cunning, but that it was about having fun and loving other too. And slowly, Lilian was learning how to cope with those obstacles in life. Not that she'd ever really fit anywhere, but she could at least try to understandthe small-minded town of Forks.

[1] gratefully invisible ~ jasper haleWhere stories live. Discover now