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IT WAS 10:49 PM.

She was home.


After hiding in as many towns as possible, Lilian finally got home. The man had seemed to follow her the entire time, each time, his crimson red eyes were visible before his body was. It reminded Lilian of something, but she couldn't remember what, exactly.

She got her phone, and typed in her brother's number, calling him immediately.

"LILY?"  Collin Harper exclaimed loudly, his voice worried and tired. "Are you there?"

Lilian exhaled lightly, before inhaling again. "Yes, I'm here."

"Oh, thank God! I was so worried. Why didn't you call? Where were you in the first place?" Her brother started the interrogation immediately.

"Listen, Collin... could you please, come home?" Lilian said in a small voice, "I – I've had quite the night... I was wondering through the woods, and I stumbled upon this man... he was scary and... I am scared, Collin. I'm scared." Lilian almost cried, something she hadn't done in six years. She hadn't told her brother she was scared within those six years either.

"I'll be there within half an hour, Lil."   Collin answered, his voice sincere. He hang up, and Lilian closed her eyes for a few seconds. Her heartbeat radiated through the car, being the only music that could fill her ears. Lilian exhaled deeply and let her head rest against the back of her seat.

Collin ended the call, his face revealing more emotion than he'd ever shown. Lilian was scared. She was, for the first time in six years, scared. Alice put her hand on his arm, and he looked at her with an apological expression. "I need to go, Alice."

"I know. We all heard her. She sounded pretty upset. Should I come with you?" Alice offered, but Collin shook his head.

"No. Don't take it wrong, but my sister isn't very fond of you guys." He said to all the Cullens in general. Edward suddenly snickered and looked at Emmet, who smirked.

"Did we miss something once again?" Esme asked, somewhere sternly, for she wanted her sons to share what they thought.

"Emmet was just thinking..." Edward shrugged, still a grin on his face.

"I was thinking that she should change that opinion of hers very fast." Emmet boomed, laughing at his own joke.

Collin looked at him, confused, but didn't spent time on it. He took his jacket and his bag and walked towards the garage. When he arrived, he stood still, realizing that he didn't have a car, since Alice gave him a ride.

[1] gratefully invisible ~ jasper haleWhere stories live. Discover now