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*sorry for not updating

Percy's POV

I walked to the big house to see what Chiron wanted to talk about, but on my way I noticed an 8-year old girl tending the fire. Usually, I would have just continued to walk not minding at all, but this was Hestia, my most favorite goddess. I approached her and bowed (she is the only one I'll really do that). She looked surprised " rise, there's no need to bow, especially to me" Anger boiled in me but for now, I didn't show it and rose. "lady Hestia? I thought you were supposed to be on Olympus with the other gods. not here in camp" she smiled "well sometimes I also want to see my nephews. But I must ask- " her voice became suspicious "-why have sacrificed to me and my brother?" "Frankly(oh), I think, and this is my opinion dad- " I addressed the sky "-that you two are the most important gods- " thunder "- dad I can explain. Hades and you are the oldest gods, without you any war the Olympians went to couldn't be won. You gave hope, understanding, made sure everybody spoke like civilized people. There was a good judgment because you opened their eyes to see the big picture. And Hades was given a bad name and for no good reason. Heck, I've once heard that Cerberus can be translated to 'spots'! which is sooo sweet, um...of the topic. So in a nutshell without you guys, we've been dead long ago."

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