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I walked out of the big house feeling a bit strange. A bit different. As I walked to no place actually thinking about what had just happened I accidentally bumped into someone and all I saw was a mess of blond hair. "Oh my gods I am so sorry Annie" I helped her stand and she just brushed it away saying that it was nothing. she had this smile that clearly said that she was excited of something. "ok, listen" she started as she looked behind and waved to some girl to come closer. 

"as you know, today is Friday. And camp has a tradition to play a game called capture the flag and it is-" "ok! I think he'll understand chase!" said the girl a bit annoyed. wait "you're Clarris, right? the daughter of Ares?" "yes punk. now, as both of us, me and chase, are the leaders of the cabin,  we are playing against each other.  on which team are you going to be?" They both crossed their fingers waiting for luck. I didn't know that people would be so keen to play with me on their team. but then again, children of Zeus are the strongest. "which cabins are on your side?" I asked both of them." Apollo, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Poseidon and of course my cabin" said Annabeth in triumph while Clarris listed the rest looking defeated. I knew exactly who I am gonna join "Clarris" "ah?" "I'm on you team punk" I smirked.

-line break-

"OK SHUT UP! look, there's a very easy way to win this. Bending the rols." they looked at each other. "hey you, Clovis right?" he nodded "you are the son of Hypnos, correct?" he nodded again "so I thought if...."

Annabeth's POV

I was hiding on a very high tree, having a great view of the game. I knew that we are going to win, but the fact that Percy joined the losing team was a bit suspicious. 

Chiron blew the horn signaling the start of the game and to my horror, I saw that each and one of us started falling as if they fell asleep. I quickly looked to where the flag was and saw only the sleeping will. Then the horn blew again, signaling the end of the game. Now everybody started to wake up. What is going on? I saw Clarris's team cheering for Percy who got the flag in his hand. He high fived a boy a bit younger than me that looked quite exhausted but still was smiling. I think that he was the son of that minor god...

"The Red Team wins!" 


"we won!" 

"good job Clovis!"

 everyone cheered for him as I was still confused. "What the hell has happened?!" I asked Chiron who shrugged not knowing either. But the red team? they were just rolling on the floor from laughter. I looked over to Thalia who looked just pissed. "You cheated!" "how do you know that if you don't even know what happened? wait do you?" asked Clarris smiling smugly "oh no, you don't. you were asleep!" finished the stools and the other team started laughing even harder. Percy and Clarris even started crying.

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