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I was the quiet type. Never to get into trouble. My parents knew everyone in town. Who didn't? It's like the real life Mayberry. Nothing is kept a secret here either. The first time secrets were officially being kept was when a group of maybe fifty to one hundred bikers came into our small town. All of our lives were turned upside down. It all started like this...

It was a quiet Saturday morning. I was working in one of the many small boutiques. The windows were the first thing to rattle. Myself and a few of the women inside the store moved to see what it was. Just as we got to the door, a motorcycle passed by. Followed by multiples upon multiples of more bikes. We got back from the window and went towards the back.

I got back behind the counter. They started parking along the street side. The women went to hide in the dressing rooms. One of the men came in. "What's sold here?" He asked. "Women and little girl's clothing." I answered. He searched the entire place even the backroom. He left like he came.

"He's gone." I yelled. I finished up behind the counter and went to say I was locking up for lunch. Men were lining the streets. I let those that were shopping sneak out the back. I flipped the sign and went into the backroom. I ate my lunch silently before going back. I made sure the shelves were stocked and flipped the sign back over to open.

A few of the biker women entered. I continued like normal making sure everything was stocked. "Excuse me. Do you have this pair of jeans in a size thirty?" One woman asked. "I can check the back." I said. She thanked me before I went to check. I counted the sizes as I thumbed through the stack of jeans. I found five thirty's with different leg lengths.

I took them up to her. "Thank you." She said again. Most of the women that were riding filtered through the boutique. I had to place more orders for clothing before closing up. My boss will definitely like today's sales. Every single woman I rang up, I said to come back every nine weeks for new clothing items. My boss usually lets me pick through the clothes for things I like.

Men still lined Main Street. I locked the front door and flipped the sign. I walked to the back of the store, through the backroom, grabbing my things and going to my vehicle. I locked the backdoor and got into my truck in the back parking lot. I took the alley all the way to the end of main and went left towards the houses.

I pulled up to my house seeing my brother and a few of his buddies sitting around outside. "Haidyn." My brother called out as I got out of my truck. "What do you want?" I asked him. "Did anything unusual happen at work today?" He asked. "Had a guy come in asking what was sold there." I told him.

"Anything else?" He asked. "More than twenty women filtered through this afternoon." I said. "That it?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered. "Did you know that a biker gang is setting up a location here?" He asked. "No." I answered before going inside the house. "Yeah. Grandpa isn't too happy bout it." He said following me.

Andrew, my older brother by two years. He's going into the police force here. At the moment he's the jailer and can say who's in the cage or who got out that day, week, month or even year. My dad and uncle are running against each other to gain the title of chief of police.

At the moment our grandpa is chief of police. He's retiring after the election. Dinner was definitely interesting. Our dad had an earful about them disturbing the peace. "The women weren't bad." I said. "It's not them Haidy. It's their men. It's the bachelors. It's their leader. Those younger boys." He said.

"One came into the shop asking what store it was, then walked the entire premises to make sure I wasn't lying before leaving." I said. "What did he look like?" Dad asked. "If he hurt me or any woman that was in that store I would have said so. He didn't do any harm. That means he's innocent for doing that. Might have been seeing if there were other exits so if something went down, those innocent could escape." I said.

"She's got a point Rich." Mom said. "Fine. If one of them hurts you, you let any officer know." Dad said. "He'll be beaten black and blue if that happens."

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