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I entered the prison for the second time in two weeks. I took my coat off and let everything go through the detectors. The guard asked who I was seeing today. "Michael Picket and Briant." I answered. "Do you have a last name or the number for the second person?" The guard asked. "No. I only know his first name. He usually waits for his brother once a week during visiting hours." I said.

"Oh I know who your visiting." He said. "Who would you like to see first?" The guard asked. "Michael." I answered. After Michael and I's chat about everything that happened in the past two weeks, he was led back to the cells or wherever. I waited for Briant to come. I started fidgeting with my nails. A tap on the window made me look up.

There he was sitting down in front of me. I put the present in the drop. He opened his side getting it out. He opened it. A larger smile crossed his face. We both picked the phones off the wall. "Thank you sweetheart. These are my favorite." He said. "So did I keep my word?" I asked. "Yes ma'am. When are you coming again?" He asked. "In two weeks." I answered.

"Enough about that. How have you been these past two weeks?" I asked him. "Good. It's been boring." He said. "How much longer do you have in here?" I asked. "Almost two months." He answered. "Unless you get time off for good behavior and they see a reason to shorten your sentence." I said. "They won't. Probably just let me free when it's the trial date." He said.

"When is the next one?" I asked. "A week from today." He said. "Then I wish you luck." I told him. "Honestly can't wait to get out of this place. Some have already wanted to kill me. I prefer not to die while taking a shower." He said. "Hopefully you get out before then." I said.

"Don't want to lose my balls either." He said. I chuckled. "So what did they call you?" I asked. "Speed. I could deal and steal without anyone knowing." He said. "Is that also what you were dealing at the time of your arrest?" I asked. "No ma'am that was MJ." He answered. We got to know each other over the next thirty minutes.

The last thing I had to ask was his last name so I could say who I wanted to speak to directly. "Thank you." I answered. "It's no problem sweetheart." He said. When time was up we said goodbye to each other before going our separate ways. As I got into my truck my phone rang. It was Andrew. I didn't answer it as I backed out and went home.

I pulled up on the street because of all the family that was parked in the drive. Maybe I'll have sweet dreams tonight. I entered the house seeing both sets of grandparents and aunts and uncles. "How's the jailbird?" Uncle Kason asked. "Alive. Can't wait to get out and hug his favorite cousin that is the only family member to go see him." I said as I went to my room.

I got clothes for my bath and got a quick bath before going to find some to eat. I'm the odd one out in my family. Besides my cousin in prison. I never really felt like joining law enforcement like the rest of the family. Every year, they try to point me towards the law.

No thank you. As I ate they were talking about some obscured thing. I tuned in and almost choked on my food. "Are you f***ing crazy? They've been nothing but nice! If anything they're bringing more money into this town and expanding it." I said.

"Your not seeing the overall picture." Dad said. "I am. The townspeople are not doing anything with these guys. They want nothing to do with these men. They go about their business just like several of the townspeople go out of town for work since there's nothing to do here. If they up and left, this town would become bankrupt in a matter of years.

"I'm not sticking around for when that happens. I'm leaving this town. I don't care how I do leave, but I am not coming back once I do." I told him. That made the entire living room silent. I left my food on the counter and went straight to my room. I locked the door and laid on my bed.

I could call the prison and ask to speak with my cousin or I could talk to someone else. Yeah, I'm going with the other option. I call and asked for a specific person. A few moments later, his voice came over the phone. "It's me." I said. "Is something wrong?" He asked. "Yeah. My parents and family are not seeing that the town was crumbling before the DoAs came in.

"I flat out told them what would happen if they left. They didn't listen. The last thing I said was that I wanted to leave town." I said. "I'll take ya." He said. "This town isn't thriving like it should be." I said. I couldn't hide the shakiness in my voice.

I moved to the floor. "Sweetheart. When I can, I want to hold you. I will take you far away from that town. I don't need to get back in with the Demons. I can become nomadic moving through territories and areas without anyone bugging me." He said. "And if I wanted to go with you?" I asked.

"I'd take you with me. I could tell you don't like the normal boring life. You don't like being around the law." He said. "Merry Christmas sweetheart." "Merry Christmas Speed." He chuckled. "I guess I've got to back and see what my family is going to do." I said. "I don't mind sitting here talking to you." He said. I smiled.

"Then I love sitting here talking to you about anything." I said. He chuckled. "Oh. This may not work." He said. "Why?" I asked. "I can't see those beautiful eyes of yours and I can't hold you against me." He said. I chuckled.

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