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We got up and dressed. We went for breakfast before hitting the road. Five hours later we were going through yet another town. We stopped at a gas station getting fuel. "Large snack or full meal?" He asked. "How much time do we have left?" I asked. "Bout four hours going the speed limit." He said.

"Two if your running over the speed limit?" I asked. He kissed my forehead. "Snack then?" He asked. I nodded. "You know what I want." He said handing me a twenty. He stayed with the bike while I went inside. I grabbed our stuff, paid for it before going back to the bike. He was already sitting on the back waiting for me.

I swung my leg over as I barely lifted myself up. I got situated before putting my arms around him. He put the kickstand up after starting the engine. I put my feet up as he kicked off pulling out of the gas station. He pulled into a secluded rest stop and cut the engine about thirty minutes later.

He pulled me around to straddle his lap and the bike. He held me against him. I kept my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head. "Let's eat real quick before getting on the road." He said. I nodded. He got off the bike with me still around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He sat me down on the table.

"I should make a call there and see if I'm still welcomed, otherwise this trip would have been for nothing." He said. I ate while he called. "Thank you. For how long? Would you mind if I joined? Yes sir. Should be there in about two to three hours. Yes sir." He pulled his phone away from his ear.

"We've got a month at this place. The prez will let us stay while I try to either convince him to let me in or find an MC that's looking for a dealer." He said. I nodded. He ate quickly before we both got back on the road. Two hours later we were pulling up to a gate outside of Wonnie, Kentucky.

He rubbed my thigh. I held onto him tighter. The same hand that rubbed my thigh gripped both of my hands. He brought one up to kiss it. The prospect at the gate called someone. "Yes sir. I'll let him in." He said before opening the gate for Briant. He went through and found a parking spot.

He got off. A few guys lurked around outside. Briant helped me off his bike. He held me to his side. "I've got to let the prez know that I'm here." He whispered to me. I nearly buried my head in his chest. He entered with me following. "Stay close." He whispered. This clubhouse wasn't like the last one we were at. It was more calm than the other.

There were barely clothed girls walking around with trays of alcoholic beverage and shot glasses. He sat down on a couch pulling me onto his lap. I buried my head into his neck. He kept his arm around me. A man sat down across from Briant. "How are you doin' Speed?" The man asked.

"Looking for a place to settle down." Briant told him. "Got yourself a girl I see." The man said. "No one but me touches her." Briant said. I knew he was possessive of me to an extent. "I understand that." He said. "I believe you still have a room here."

"Yes sir. We may go grab a bite to eat before finding something to do." Briant said. "Go have some fun with your girl. Go eat somewhere." The man said. Briant nodded standing with me. He led the way out. He got on before helping me on. I held onto him as he backed out and and went to the gate.

The same prospect opened the gate and closed it behind us. We went to eat at a diner not being bothered by anyone. After eating, we went back to the clubhouse. He carried our bags inside and led the way to a room. The stairs leading up were secluded off from the main lounge and bar area.

He set a bag down and pulled out his keys. There was one less key on the ring. Several keys were gone. He opened the door letting me enter first. He followed behind me. Once the door was closed, I stretched going straight to the bathroom. My shirt was the first article of clothing gone.

I took my shoes and jeans off. As I turned the shower on, hands gripped my hips. Lips grazed my neck. I sighed. "I'll see what I can do around here. I'm going to have to earn both our keeps." He said. "I'm not going to let ya do it on your own." I said.

"You would have to cook and clean with the ol' ladies." He said. "I don't mind." I told him. "If we stay downstairs at night, I want you next to me." He said. "You know I won't leave you." I said. He kissed my cheek. "Enjoy your shower." He said before leaving me in the bathroom.

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