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Fall break came faster than anticipated. The boss hired three more waitresses to swap them around. Today, Cook has me going grocery shopping. It's an hour into the next town. The boss sent a guy with me for protection. With all of the kidnappings and human trafficking, I didn't mind a guy tailing me.

As we went through Sams, I grabbed anything we would need. "Did you need any money?" He asked. "No. The diner has its own credit card." I said. As I went through the entire store, I also got toilet paper and napkins. When I was done, I scanned the Sams card and checked out. Then went to the vehicle the guy had to drive.

Once everything was loaded, I got in while he took the buggy. He came back and we went back to the diner. The boss and a few guys he had come over to help unload the car. The boss gave me the day off after I went grocery shopping. The rest of the day I was relaxing.

With dad and Andrew at the police station and mom out for the day, I've got the house to myself. After eating lunch I was sitting in the living room watching tv, when the backdoor opened. I looked at the door. A guy was standing there shocked that someone was home. He did not look familiar at all. "I. I'm sorry, I. I d-didn't know that s-some-one was here." He said.

"It's fine." I said. I noticed that he had stains on the patches on the leather vest he had on. I got up from my seat and moved closer to him. "I. I c-can leave. If if, y-you're un-uncomfortable with me here." He said. "I'm not." I said. Then glanced at the clock. "Are you hungry?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'll let you have a seat while I warm some leftovers up." I said. "Would you like anything to drink?" "Water please?" He asked. I went out to the fridge in the garage and grabbed a water bottle. The timer went off on the microwave as I got a fork out of the drawer.

I set the water and fork next to him before getting the plate. "Thank y-you." He said. "Your welcome. How often do you wash that?" I asked motioning to the vest. "N-not very o-often." He answered. "Would you like it to be cleaned?" I asked. "I-if you d-don't mind." He said. "Hand wash or washing machine?" I asked. "H-hand w-wash." He said.

I let him take the vest off as I got a damp cloth. 'Runt.' "Is this the name your road name?" I asked. "Y-Yeah." He answered. "I don't think that suits you." I told him. "I-I don't know a-any other n-name." He said. When I finished cleaning his vest I let him put it back on.

"I take it your with the rest of the group?" I asked. He nodded as he finished the plate. I took the plate washing it. "Is there a reason you entered my house scared out of your wits?" I asked. "I-I don't like violence." He said. "I can understand that." I said.

"P-prez's s-son is the worst." He said. "Do you need to be somewhere?" I asked. He nodded. "I-I'll st-start w-walking." He said. "I'm not kicking you out. This is my invitation to come over anytime no matter what." I said. "Do you need a ride somewhere?" I asked. He nodded.

I grabbed my keys and phone letting him follow me out. I unlocked my truck getting in. He followed. "I'm going to need directions." I told him. He only said left, right, or straight. We arrived in front of a house. "T-thank you." He said getting out. I watched as he went up to the front door and opened it. Once it was closed, I went home.

I'm going to ask my boss tomorrow if he'll allow him to go with me to go shopping. It might get him to open up more.

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