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I was sitting at a table at the club when I felt a hard cramp. The girls and I were supposed to have a girls day, spa day and shopping. I moved just a little. I had to double over to try and ease the pain. "You don't look too good." Becka said. "I don't feel too good." I told her. "Pain scale?" She asked. "There's not one for this." I said. I felt like if I moved, something would burst.

"Do you think you can wait?" One asked. "You can't wait like it's a trip to the bathroom. Once it starts coming, you have to get to the hospital as fast as you can." One of the other girls said. "I don't think this can wait." I said. I texted Briant before saying I absolutely had to go. I got to the front of the car as Briant ran out.

"No way an I going to miss this." He said. I got into the car and clenched my legs together. "How close?" He asked. "Must have started when I couldn't feel the contractions." I said. Sometimes I hate my high tolerance for pain. "How close baby?" "Two minutes." I said. I tried to feel myself where the baby was without reaching my hand in.

"I can feel the head directly between my legs." I said. "Probably shouldn't of had sex last night." He said. "Don't start playing the blame game. This could have happened without us having sex last night." I said. "Four weeks early." He mumbled. "Doesn't matter how early. I'm close to having a head come out of my vagina." I said.

"Almost there baby." He said. "Can't wait." I said. We arrived at the hospital as felt a tearing pain between my legs. "Come on." He said trying to help me out. I shook my head. I felt his hand down by my area. He muttered a curse. "Head's halfway out." He said. "The shoulders should be in the way of moving."

"I can't move." I said. "I know baby. Just breathe." He said. "Relax for me." He said. I nodded. A guy showed up on a bike. He must have noticed Briant. "Go get a nurse. I can't get her inside." He told the guy. The guy sprinted for the door. I felt more pain. "There's no way we can get you inside now." He said.

I knew the head was completely out. A nurse with a wheelchair came rushing out. When she saw the situation, she had to rush back inside. I kept breathing until there was another shooting pain. Every breath I took, it was another partial push on the baby.

This time two nurses came out. "We're going to need your help to move her." One said. "Not when there's a possible chance that the baby could fall out as she's being moved." Briant told her. The same nurse that checked the first time checked again.

"There is no way we can move her now. The shoulders are almost out." She said. Too late. Not my problem. Briant was standing by my legs. A doctor had to come outside. It's forty degrees outside. Next one is going to be wherever I can get to easier if it's like this. I couldn't help but push again. They had tucked a bag under my butt so anything coming out would go directly to the bag.

No epidural. This hurts like a freaking *****. "Shoulders are out baby." Briant said. "That's all we have to worry now." The doctor said. As I leaned forward, I could feel the baby slipping out. "I've got him baby." Briant said holding onto our baby boy. "We need to get both inside right now." The doctor said. I was helped onto the stretcher and got to hold our son as we were wheeled inside.

Life definitely is complicated. After three hours in the hospital, and everything checked over between myself and our son. They had to get his temperature up since we were outside for nearly two hours. I didn't get to feed him until Briant had to complain that our son wasn't being let to nurse. And now for the most painful part, the after period.

The extent that my belly is going back to its before pregnancy stage. When everything was done, our son could actually come home with us. I loved that fact. I think Briant did too. He dropped us off at the house before saying he was going to the store for some things. Good thing we had the baby shower last week.

I made sure the house was warm enough for the both of us before putting him in the bassinet at the foot of our bed. I made sure he was comfortable before laying down myself for a nap.

Racing the WindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora