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As I worked in the boutique several people filtered in and out. At lunch I got a call from the prison. I accepted the call. "Sweetheart." "Hey. How did the court date go yesterday?" I asked. "Good. I've got a month off my sentence and they're possibly letting me out two to three weeks early on parole." He said.

"That's good." I said. "Can't wait to hold you." He said. "You either." I said. Yes it's cheesy. Yes I haven't known this guy long, I do want to see where this goes though. "Is it too early to say I love you?" He asked. "To me it is." I answered. "Then I'll wait until your ready to hear it genuinely." He said.

"I've got to get back to work. I'll see you in person in a week." I said. "You too sweetheart." He said. I hung up and went back to flip the sign back to open. All afternoon it was quiet. Nothing really happened. When it was time to lock up Andrew came inside.

"You can't leave." He said. "Why not?" I asked. "The whole town is shut down." He said. "Your not telling me anything." I said. "Some prisoners broke out." He said. "Ok. I'll be fine." I said before going out the back door. I got in and went to driving down the street. About halfway to the house, a guy in an orange jumpsuit jumped out at me. I accidentally hit him with my truck knocking him to the ground.

Two bikers came out of nowhere and captured him. One saluted me before moving him out of my way. A police cruiser pulled up behind me. I moved out of the way as they shoved him into the backseat. When I got to the house, I got out and straight inside. No one was around. I guess I'm going to have to ask Briant what happened when I visit or if Michael slips it.


I woke up the morning that I was to go visit Michael and Briant. I pulled some black wool leggings on and a sweater that went past my butt. Then some wool leg warmers and boots that stopped just below my knees. I grabbed my phone with my credit card and driver's license in the attached to the back and headed out the door with keys in hand.

I went to work at the diner for half the day. The boss asked why I was only working half a day. "I'm going to visit my cousin out of town." I only said as I went out the door. I made it to the prison and went through security. Then said who I was visiting today.

Michael was first. He spilled exactly what happened. "Yeah. I hit one with my truck and two bikers came out of nowhere and hauled him out of my way." I said. "I spoke with your little toy behind bars the day after it happened." He said. "What toy?" I asked. "Do you want his real name or his road name?" He asked.

"I still don't know who your talking about." I said. "Briant." He finally said. "Ok. I'm visiting him because he was promised that someone would visit him and never did." I said. "At first the person was visiting. Then one day, never even came back. Not a word about where he went and why." Michael said.

"I'll see if I can find something." I said. "I would think he was killed for something." He said. "I'll see you later." I said. "You too cuz. Stay out of trouble and don't do anything hasty." He said. I nodded. "You do the same." I said as we both hung the phones on the wall. I asked for Briant. I waited for him. When he sat down I noticed a black eye on his face.

"What happened?" I asked him. "One of the guys that escaped got ahold of me after a girl hit him with her truck." He said. "Then it must have been the same guy I hit with my truck and then two bikers from the MC grabbed him and hauled him to the patrol car behind me." I said.

"He must have known I was associated with the MC that put him back behind bars." He said. "Ribs hurting?" I asked. "Yeah. The judge on his hearing and the jury ruled that he gets a longer sentence and to shorten mine for the beating he gave me since I did nothing wrong and was minding my own business when he did it." He said.

"So what's the date you get out?" I asked. "Two weeks from today." He said. "Do you need a ride or clothes on that day?" I asked. "Yeah. Do I need to tell you sizes?" He asked. "Who do you still trust in the MC?" I asked. "I would say my brother, but I haven't seen him in nearly a year." He said. "Anyone else?" I asked. "My running buddy. Ask the prez to speak with Chains." He said.

"Is that all?" I asked. "Tell him you need a set of my clothes. He'll get them together for ya." I nodded. "Don't argue with him if he says no." He said. I nodded. "Visiting time is almost over. I trust you sweetheart." He said. "I trust you too. If you get out earlier, call me." I said.

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