Dads second chance Mate

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Tony's P.O.V
We had just finished desert when the door opened and the most beautiful lady walked in. Her scent was the most delicious thing I've ever smelt, she smelt like freshly made candy floss and bacon pancakes. Our eyes locked. She had the most beautiful dark brown eyes, her lips were pink, and she had hair like a fire on it's starting flame. Steve was yelling in my head "mate" he yelled over and over. "Go see mate" Steve yelled and as if he had taken control of my body I stood up and walked over to her. "Mate" we said in union, she had the softest voice I've ever heard yet it was strong at the same time. "My name is Tony Stark". "My name is Piper Potts, my friends call me pip" she replied smiling. "This is my Daughter Shadow" I told her looking back to the little girl who was sleeping in the chair. Piper smiled "awe she's adorable is she adopted or biologically yours" she asked. "At first I adopted her but we had her blood tested today and apparently she is my biological daughter to my first mate who was a posing vampire" I answered. "Well I love her she's so cute like u. We should get our food now but I could give us my number and we could talk later." She said. "Sure" I said handing her my phone. She put her number in and we said our goodbyes and I went back to my table and got ready to go. Lifting Shadow we all went back to the car and drove to the pack house to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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