Highschool Cliche

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"Owen, baby, kiss me."

I felt arms snake around my waist from behind as I shoved my varsity coat in my locker. I spun, meeting sparkling brown eyes. I loved that she was tall, not quite tall enough to surpass my 6'3" build even with heels on but still tall enough that I didn't have to bend down to kiss her.

"Hey there gorgeous." I said just before I did exactly what she'd asked of me.

Her lips were warm and soft, her cherry chapstick invading my mouth as I deepened the kiss.

"Get a room!" Someone shouted from in the hall.

I stuck my middle finger in the air, waving it around as I held Jaelyn closer to me.  I was more than willing to give them a show, whoever they may be.

"But for real though, you're on my locker." Katie interrupted us, her arms folded in front of her defensively. "Remember our truce?"

I broke away from Jaelyn, tucking her under my arm as I backed away with a theatrical bow. "You got me."

She cracked an unamused smile that only made my smirk grow. Katie had been a five foot nothing pain in my ass ever since the grades combined in 5th grade and we were forever destined to have lockers beside one another. Who knew the once blond petite girl I met the first day of 5th grade would end up being one of the only people that didn't end up being awestruck in my presence. Even though I purposely went out of my way to annoy her and I'm still not entirely sure she considered us friends, I did. I knew she'd always tell me straight. She also was god at pranks and bets which is why at the mention of our truce she had me bowing down to her. I will never be ready to shave my balls and plunge into the freezing cold lake again. They had climbed so far up inside me I was sure they'd never come back down.

For the record they did.

I draped my arm over Jaelyn's shoulders, the two of us parted the hallway like some kind of royalty. It came with the territory, being popular.  We basically ran the social circle of the school, along with our best friends. You know typical high school cliche, I wasn't embarrassed to admit it. It'd made the fours bearable if only a little.

My knuckles connected with my friend Drew's as he joined us, our little party of three expanding even more as Alec and Bre sidled up beside us.  So far my senior year had been nothing short of a dream. I had everything I wanted, I was on cloud nine, killing it socially, keeping my grades high, busting ass in soccer and track, a beautiful girl by my side and nothing stopping me.


I kicked back in the chair in my Trig class, sliding my finished test forward to the front of the table. Drew was beside me, chewing nervously on his pencil.

He glanced over at me, whispering as quietly as he could. His voice always seemed to carry. "You done?"

I shrugged. My friends all knew I did well in school, they didn't know I was sitting pretty with an overall gpa of 3.98 and only because my Chem teacher junior year was a bitch. I should have aced that class but he hated me and he took every opportunity to mark me down.

"Erin won't let me cheat anymore." He whispered, nodding his head to the girl to his right of us.

Erin was lined up to be the valedictorian. She'd never given us the time of day until she apparently developed a weakness for Drew's charm. She suddenly began keeping her test closer to the edge of her desk. Needless to say it was the first time Drew was killing it in Trig. Something must of went south because now she was hunched over it like it was her first meal in days and she had a hungry pack of wolves circling her.

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