The Shortest Fall

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I was uncomfortable even with being high as a kite and taking my medication. It wasn't enough to having me blurting cuss words but it was enough to have me irritable.

I'd already snapped at Mina a couple times, apologizing shortly after. Being a dick wasn't going to make her stop pretending to hate me. That much I was sure of.

The TV was on but I didn't think either one of us were paying any attention to it. Mina had been relatively reserved, like she was only half there, her mind somewhere else. Like she had been at therapy. Whatever was bothering seemed to be consuming her. I felt bad that she was stuck here with me. Even if I did enjoy her company regardless of how miserable I was. She had probably had a list of things she'd rather being doing. Like fixing whatever was on her mind.

"I'm sorry you have to be here." I broke the silence between us. "I can call Alec or someone."

Honestly I could probably manage the few hours alone.

She looked over at me, face blank. I almost told her I was sorry that I made her hate me but just as the words formed in my mouth I swallowed them down. I didn't want to run the risk of her lying to avoid hurting my feelings, not that she had ever spared them before. Her eyes wandered past me, locking on something.

"Is that your mom?" She asked.

I turned to look in the direction she was, framed photographs on the wall catching her attention. She had spotted the last family photo we had taken. My mom was pregnant with Amara in it.


"She's beautiful." I watched her as she pushed herself off the couch, walking over to it to get a better look. "You look nothing like her."

I laughed. "Yeah, we took after my dad I guess."

I watched her as she studied the wall, photographs I hadn't looked at in years hung there documenting my progression from a baby to a child. Even longer for Jase. Dad wasn't around to take photographs to frame and hang on the wall after she died. That had been my mom's job. And the only reason they were up now was because of Nan.

"Is this you?" Mina asked, her finger pointing at a photograph, a small smile on her face.

I couldn't see the minor details of the picture but the glaring yellow jersey had me confirming. "Yeah I was four."

"You were cute." Her voice was light and warm and I found myself melting into it.

I wasn't about to open my mouth. I didn't want to ruin whatever this was. Whatever it could be. So I just sat where I was watching her study my family photographs with intention.

But even though my lips were sealed, my mind was racing. I wanted to know about her family. About her dad. Why Max called her mom a massive bitch. I wanted to know what had been bothering her, what her dreams were. I wanted to know where she saw herself in the future and if there was any possible way I could fit into it.

"You all looked happy." She didn't even hide the sadness in her voice. I wanted to know why it was there.

I took a deep breath, my mind thinking back to before seven. I was happy. Happy enough to be oblivious to everyone else's unhappiness. Jase was a teenager and didn't want much to do with me then. My dad still worked a lot but he was always home in the evenings from what I could remember. And my mom would spend hours with me in the yard on the weekends and after school playing soccer with me. I remember one day not too long before she had found out she was pregnant for the last time we were playing soccer and I had clearly surpassed her skill level. It was the first time I think I realized my parents didn't know everything.

"We were." I didn't mean to let my voice waver.

Mina turned from the photos for the first time since walking to them, her green eyes locked with mine.

"I'm sorry. I'm being nosy." She started back for the couch.

I shook my head, wishing like mad I could have just said those two stupid words without old memories trying to threaten my emotions. I didn't care if she was digging at old wounds, they were just that, old. Healed as much as they could and I was okay. It wasn't going to break me to talk about my mom. About the family that we were or could have been.

"It's okay, I don't mind."

I couldn't take my eyes off her as she stopped in front of me, looking down at me for just a second before looking away. She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her black jeans that she had cuffed just above the ankles.

"I'm sorry." She rushed the words, looking at her socked feet.

"For what?" I asked, my heart beating hard in my chest as she stood before me. "I don't care if you want to talk about my family."

"Not that."

I didn't know what she was referring to.


"Hey." I couldn't stop myself from doing it if I had tried. I reached out, grabbing her hand as I looked up at her. She stepped closer to me, or maybe I pulled her, her eyes focused on my hand on hers. "Whatever it is, it's good, we're good."

She shook her head slightly, eyes still on our hands. I wondered what was going through her head. All I could think about was how warm and soft her skin felt against mine. She pulled her hand from mine and I let her, not wanting to push my luck.

I watched her as she brought her hand I had touched into her chest, once again cradling it with her other hand. And then she stepped back, increasing the distance between us. It was then that I realized my heart was slamming around in my chest. She looked everywhere but at me as she looked around the room, taking a few steps as she did.

"You're not as obnoxious as I let on." She said quietly like she wasn't sure she wanted to admit.

I smiled, laughing quietly. "I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me and you didn't even add an insult at the end this time."

She rolled her eyes, sitting back down on the couch beside me, slightly closer than she had been previously.

"Don't make me regret saying that."

I raised my hands in surrender. "Me? Never."

She made this adorable snort sound, shoving me in the shoulder as she did. My smile widened, my heart pounding. It was the world's shortest fall but I had hit the ground hard, I was in love her.


I'm not doing too bad with updates. Better than I thought I would so that's cool. I also got super sun burnt yesterday because apparently at 30 I can remember sun screen for everyone else but then stupidly forget to put it on myself. 🤦‍♀️

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