Chapter - 28

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Klaus called a pack meeting for that evening and Quinn and I spent most of the day getting things organised for it. There are just over four-hundred members of Klaus' pack so you couldn't just shove them all into the town hall. We very rarely had full pack meetings but Klaus didn't want anyone left at home alone at a time like this, especially when we weren't sure how much these 'people' knew about us. For all we knew they could be watching our every move and if all the 'men' of the pack left for pack business then who would be there to protect the women and children? 

As a result, I now stood in the middle of what felt like a community gathering. The women huddled together gossiping whilst young children ran around their feet. The men stood chatting with beers – God forbid they came unprepared for a time like this. I almost wanted to roll my eyes until I caught sight of the elders standing together with their voices hushed but their eyes wary. They knew something was up. 

My mother found me straight away, worry etched across her face as she pulled me in for an automatic hug. 

"Do you know what's going on son?"My father asked from behind her, annoyance masking his tone. I wondered what football game he was missing to be here. "It better be damned important." He grunted stuffing his hands in his pockets with a scowl. 

"Oh behave Mark." Mom tutted "Oh hey Karen!" And just like that she was completely distracted by the gurgling baby 'Karen' had upon her hip. I took that as my queue to leave. There was no way in hell I wanted to sit and make small talk with my dad.

"I'm going to find Nick." I lied. I'm sure Nick was here somewhere but he wasn't my concern right now. 

Klaus had said that he'd asked Wesley and his pack to come to the meeting tonight, but right now I couldn't see them anywhere. I went to send Quinn a text only to remember we were in the middle of fucking no-where and didn't have a bar of signal. If he was officially part of our pack I could just mind link through to him. 


Now Klaus was back and knew about Quinn and I, I'd somehow found the time today to ask him about Wesley's pack and why he'd allowed the guys to join him when I knew they'd been born into our pack just like their parent's before them. I'd never really thought to question it until Quinn. Klaus explained to me that because Wesley was his twin even though they weren't identical they were both born with Alpha blood. As far as the Alpha council was concerned the Iverson twins where the only ones of our kind – A freak of nature they called them. But twins or not, no pack could contain two alphas. The twins had always fought each other but when they turned sixteen their dad – our alpha at the time – decided to remove Wesley from the pack. Klaus was the oldest – by all but a few minutes – so it meant he was the successor of our pack. Wesley couldn't be 'under' Klaus' control his alpha wolf wouldn't let him and so to stop the boys from fighting to the death their father officially rebuked Wesley from the pack. It was all very controversial and they still both hated each other but they were civil at least. Klaus explained that his father didn't want to leave Wesley on his own so this friends where able to join his pack and Wesley wasn't kicked out completely because he still stayed with the Iverson's and went to the same school etc but having his own pack – be it small – meant that Wesley didn't have to bow down to Klaus' orders and so far they hadn't tried to kill each other. 

"Can you change it? Let Quinn re-join?" I asked, Quinn and I hadn't talked about the issue yet, but an issue it was and at some point, we needed to have the discussion. 

Klaus just shrugged "Yeah sure, if that's what he wants." 


By the time Klaus had started talking to the pack about the issue with these 'human's' and ordered everyone to stick to their human forms, for the time being, I still hadn't found him. I was starting to panic. I wasn't listening to a damned word Klaus was saying as my eyes scanned along all the faces. Where was he? 

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