Chapter 12

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Thank you @LizMae05 and @Roymustang24 for giving me kidnapping ideas.

Third Person P.O.V

Lavender walked outside the mansion feeling the fresh air. She then felt her heart aching like it did from the dream. She didn't know what the cost is, but she knew something bad is going to happened. She looked up slowly seeing dark smoke appearing through the trees. She was meters away from the mansion and she looked at the dark smoke seeing a silhouette of a man in the dark. Voices in her head tells her to run and get inside, but all she could do is seat and be frozen. The man walked towards her black smoke trailing behind him like a tail and living things began to decay as he walked by. The voices grew louder and louder until it was shout causing her to snap out of it and ran towards the mansion.

Voices had said to never turn back and keep running which she did. As she got to the door she tried to open it, but no budge. She banged on the door hard as she could and she turned her head to see the man walking towards her closer. This is the time she has to use her voice.

"YUMA!!" She shouted out loud which made the 4 brothers to appear at the door and trying to open it.

"Yuma hurry!" Ruki shouted.

"I'm trying!" Yuma growled and kept moving the door as much power as he can.

He kept doing it so does the others until a loud scream made them stop. Yuma ripped the door open and ran outside looking around to see that Lavender was gone.

"LAVENDER!" He shouted.

"LAVENDER!" Ruki did the same as they began to worry.

Azusa began to see something shining on the floor and he walked towards it picking it back up seeing a blue glowing liquid inside a container.

"Guys...this is...Lavender's." Azusa said and they all walked to him seeing the necklace.

"She's been taken. We have to find her." Ruki said.

"It's only the four of us! Who else will go looking for her?!" Yuma shouted and Ruki thought about it until an idea came to his mind as he looked at Kou who's eyes widen and to Azusa who nodded.

As he turned to Yuma he practically shook his head.

"Hell, the fuck, no! We ain't getting those piece of shits!" He shouted angrily.

"It's the only way Yuma." Ruki said calmly and the two nodded knowing they'll need much help they could get."

"Fine, you three get them. I'm finding her by myself." With that Yuma walked away angrily.

Lavender P.O.V

So cold. Why am I here? Is this how I'm gonna die? Why me? I looked slowly began patting the ground for anything until I felt a hard object. I slowly grabbed it and used my touch to know what it was. Soon a door opened revealing the same figure holding a lantern. I looked at the object only to see it was a bone causing you to squeak and throw it away. The man slowly walked towards me as I backed away, but I was already at the wall. He crouched down in front of me and I looked away feeling tears stream down my face. Just then I felt his hold fingers placed on my cheek and made me look at him.

"Don't cry, my princess. I am not here to hurt you." He said softly to you and your eyes adjust revealing a handsome man.

His hair was pure white and his eyes where grey. I slowly sat up and caress his cheek feeling the warmth of his skin. He closed his eyes and leaned against my touch as his hand is placed against mine.

"You are finally here, my princess." He said to me softly.

"I have searched for you all these years. Those bad people will never hurt you anymore." He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes.

"W-Who are you?" I asked softly.

"My name is Axel, my princess. You may not remember me, but I remember you. We were pass lovers before you had died and became an Angel like you should have. I didn't of course, I had to pay for my sins so god had locked me in this place that grown to be my home. When I found a way out I became more then I thought. Creatures had called me the darkness because of how deadly I became. I tried not to kill them, but it didn't work. As you can see all of these bones...were the creatures I have killed. I'm glad that I couldn't kill humans cause that would cause me damage, but seeing you hurt cause me more damage." He explained to me.

"Why do they fear you?" I asked hearing my voice echo in the room.

"They fear me because of what I am and what god has created me. When I finally went to the heavens to search for you, every Angel began running away until you appeared and that I had finally found you. I was gonna take you with me until god had sent you down earth to keep you safe. You were so beautiful with those angel wings of yours and your beautiful angelic smile that always lights my day. I'm sorry I haven't been with you until the end of your times, my princess. Forgive me." Tears began to stream in his eyes and I wiped it away from him giving him a soft smile.

"Your forgiven." With that he smiled as well.

"Come, I must show you my home." He said standing up and I did the same as he grabbed the lantern then my hand as we walked out of the room, some how I felt like he was lying, but I ignored the feeling.

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