Chapter 13

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"This will be your room." He opened the door showing me a beautiful room.

I couldn't help, but look around it with a smile. I ran inside and giggle as I look around the room, but I couldn't help the feeling of danger and weariness. Something seems wrong and it always lingers.

"If you need anything, I will be across the hall." I nodded my head as he closed the door.

I yawned deeply and laid down in the bed as I then fell asleep letting darkness consume my consciousness.

Third Person P.O.V

The door opened revealing the Sakamaki brothers.

"Ahh, you have finally arrived. Come in." Ruki steppes aside and they gave him a look of hate before walking inside.

Ruki led them all to the leaving room where Azusa, Kou and Yuma all waited. Yuma hates the idea of putting pure bloods in this business, but he knew deep inside it was the only way to find his beloved Lavender.

"What is it that you want, half bloods." Reiji snarled, but Ruki ignored it as the matter the fact that it's not important.

"It's about Lavender." He started, but was caught off when Subaru spoke.

"What did you do to her?!" He growled and the brothers held Subaru in place.

"Will you calm your shit down? We didn't do anything to Lavender. We knew was that Azusa found her in the woods with a bump on her head. Then when she woke up, she simply didn't knew the three of us well, except for Yuma. Lucky bastard." Kou grumbled and Yuma smirked in satisfaction.

"What do you mean, princess didn't remember anything?" Shu asked.

"What he meant is that she suffered fa but of amnesia. Somehow she remembers Yuma then us. So then we took care off her and let's say three had fun." Ruki said which made the 6 brothers growl at them, but he raised his hand.

"Not that kind of fun idiots. They simply played around making a mess, but I had no intention to scold at them since she is smiling, laughing and talks a lot. She's a very good singer as well." Ruki smiled at the memory and so did the other three which caused the 5 to glare Subaru who cowardly looked down to his feet.

"This is your fault." Laito sneered at Subaru.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Yuma asked with curiosity.

"This idiot heat screamed at Lavender calling her an 'arrogant bitch' when she just wanted to comfort him, but nooooo his head is up his fucking ass!" Laito explained which made him raise his voice.

"Laito, calm down." Reiji said before turning towards Ruki.

"Why did you simply, call us for?" He asked him.

"I called you is because someone had taken Lavender." Ruki explained to them causing their eyes to widen.

"What?! How?!" Kanato shouted loudly.

"We didn't know until we heard her calling our names well...Yuma's name. We tried to teleport outside, but it didn't work and only landed at the front door. I tried to open the door as best as we could until we heard a bloody murder scream which the door soon opened. Once we looked outside nothing. We did see dead plants and decaying animals as well as her necklace." Ruki should the necklace.

Just then Angel came rushing inside the house as he practically looked around for his owner.

"Angel? What are you doing here?" Shu asked.

Angel looked at him then soon changed into a man which made all of their mouths open.

"A werewolf?!" They both shouted and stood back ready to attack which made Angel sweat drop.

"I'm not here to harm you. I'm simply here to find my master, Lavender. Have you seen her?" He asked with concern.

"No, she was taken and somehow her necklace fell off." Ruki explained, but still on guard.

"What?! Oh no." He began to panic and the brothers looked at him.

"He took her. He took her. Damn it! I have failed!" He shouted making the brothers more confused.

"What do you mean you failed? And who's he?" Yuma asked.

"I failed my mission to protect her and the Darkness is what we Angels call him." Angel explained.

"Your the Angel?" Subaru squeaked which made Angel to chuckle and shook his head.

"No, I'm not THE Angel. I'm just a guardian. All angels get them when they turned 18 or when they other angels that supposed to have a guardian is missing like Lavender. God send her to earth so the darkness wouldn't take her, but now that she's taken...his going to take her essence and build an army." Angel sighed rubbing his temple.

"What essence?" Ayato asked.

"The essence of her powers. It's a glowing blue liquid in a small container. She's the most powerful Angel and without her essence of purify she is human. The darkness took her which means he took the essence as well." Angel said sadly.

"You mean this?" Ruki showed which made Angel's face gasped.

"You have it? How?!" He asked.

"You clearly didn't hear me earlier when I said she dropped her necklace." Ruki frowned making Angel chuckle nervously.

"Sorry, I'm just worried about my master is all. Anyways, we need people. Do you know anyone that is strong?" Angel asked and the brothers looked.

"Yes." Subaru said and they glared at him.

"Brilliant! I want you to contact him while I go find other angels!" He said.

"How are you gonna do that?" Kanato asked.

"I'm a guardian. Guardians have powers to contact others with spiritual powers." He said then disappeared into thin air.

"Really Subaru? You already made a mistake and your adding more on your plate." Ayato said which surprised Subaru his not using Ore-sama.

"It's the only way! He may help us you know." He said and Ruki and Reiji nodded.

"I'll contact him." Ruki said walking away.

"You can't be serious?! Ruki! Get your ass back here right now! You already contact 6 sluts! Don't contact a prostitute!" Yuma shouted stomping towards Ruki who kept walking.

"Language Yuma." Ruki said calmly.

"I don't give a flying fuck!" Yuma shouted and the brothers just waited until Yuma appeared fuming as Ruki followed him from behind.

"He said he will come and he will bring two guest that might help us." Ruki informed and they nodded.

"What do we do until then?" Laito asked.

"Find our who this darkness is." Reiji said they all did their work which surprisingly Kou and Laito did the research as well...who knew?!

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