1.4 » O || ✔

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Kon'nichiwa, Psychics!

I do not own Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan/ The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., or you!

Additional key terms!

✓ (F/O) » Favourite Outfit. 

Arenways, here's yo recap for 1.3 » M (Part II) || :

Now it was Kokomi and Kusuo left at the booth, Kokomi tried to start a conversation, but when she blinked: Kusuo was already walking home. 'That... idiot!' the bluenette's thought echoed loudly in her head and huffed off angrily.


(Y/N) yawned again as she was walking. 'I'm so tired..'


The pinknette was already home because of his teleportation, he sighed as he closed the door to his room, "I shouldn't rely on my powers." He looked at his hand but dropped it soon enough.

The next day, Saturday, (Y/N) was at her house. She was currently baking some sweets and pastries. She liked baking for fun. And soon enough, she attracted a grinch: Kusuo lived near (Y/N), he could sniff out the sweets from his room, this made his sweet tooth take over him...It wouldn't be so bad if he came over for a little while, neh?

(Y/N) put the batch of cupcakes and cookies in the oven. "The oven still has space...It wouldn't hurt to make another batch.." 

After some time, Kusuo was at (L/N)'s doorstep, but when he nearly knocked, he thought it would be better off to not disturb the girl. Greedily, he apported an item that was the same value as one of the goods in the oven. He smirked a bit and stuffed it in his mouth before he accidentally knocked. (Y/N) was trying to reach the flower in her cabinet. "Almost there.." The sound of knocking startled her and she yelped. She sighed and walked towards her door, opening it. "Huh?..Oh..hi Saiki-Kun!"

The visitor bowed, "Hey." he murmured, "Would you mind if I just...hanged out with you for today..?"

"Oh uh..no! I wouldn't mind at all..I'm a bit busy baking right now...would you like to taste some of the cakes and cookies I made?" 

Kusuo's mouth slightly watered, yet he knew how the pastries tasted, it wouldn't be a problem if he just ate some more. Right? The pinknette nodded and invited himself inside. He felt a pair of eyes lay on him, not (Y/N). It was an animal in the bushes. Saiki nudged the (Y/N) while walking in, "Can you... get rid of... that wild... animal for me, please." he smirked secretly on the last words.

"Get rid of what?" She asked, looking around. "I don't see an animal.."The psychic then used hypnosis on (Y/N) so she saw a boar in the hedges outside her house, the boar stood out since its fur was a totally different colour the leaves. (Y/N) tilted her head. "What is that doing here..it's rare to see those in this area." 

Kusuo shrugged, taking his shoes off.

"You know..as much as I want it to leave..we should just leave it alone..I'm sure it'll go away by itself eventually.." (Y/N) then thought for a bit, "Oh right! The cakes and cookies! I almost forgot about those!" She shut the door and quickly ran into the kitchen. Kusuo chuckled and went in to help (Y/N) since he could figure she needed a little bit of help. He put an apron on and got the flour from the cabinet, the one that the girl couldn't reach. He placed it on the counter and kneeled down beside the (h/c)-haired, who was taking out the sweets from the oven. She inhaled the sweet scent and sighed. She put them on the counter. Then she saw the bag of flour. "Thanks, Saiki!" (Y/N) next got a frosting bag and frosted the cupcakes in a swirly way, after, she put some sprinkles on top. She then picked up one of the cakes and held it towards Kusuo. "Here.." She smiled up at him happily.

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