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It was supposed to be the happiest day in Charles' teenage years. Got his first gig with hundreds of people watching this time, not only tens. And the girl he liked watching his very first big performance. But his eyes could not find Alona. He stood below the stage before his turn, scanning every person waiting, but even when he walked up the stage, Alona was nowhere to be seen.

As the magenta and blue light effects moshed with the audience, Charles played his bass with all determination and strength. He swept his plectrum across the string, wildly rolling his head around. His eyes did not stop searching, however. He could not give up looking for Alona.

Alona pushed her way through the crowd, but she got shoved back just as much as she pushed herself. The sorry's and excuse me's were obviously unheard over the violent music. So she walked back meters away. Sat meters away on a bench to gaze instead at the black velvet spread above her. Amid the dizzying jigging figures and the shrieking instrumental sounds and Charles' ear-splitting voice, Alona closed her eyes. She was getting used to the noise. No. Music. She was getting used to the music.

"Looking good together, eh!"

Alona stood straight still at the screechy guffaw booming out from her left side, her eyes wide open before she knew it. Two girls and two boys from her Math class were hooting with laughter. She did not realize when, could be her mind's eye, could be her picky ears, but the high and shrill music had turned into a shush, a sound of muffled voices, and all she could hear were the intensifying hysterics of the four students on her side.

"The Fatty and the Deranged," one of the girls tittered. Only then did Alona notice Eusebio sitting on the same bench she'd sprawled on. Alona could not really tell in that semi-darkness, but Eusebio seemed to be as stock-still as her.

"Good spot to make it, eh? Shady, shadowy—"

"Stop! Thats gut-churning!"

"Alona? And Eusebio? I cannot imagine!" the other girl wearing an above-the-knee-length dress wheezed in repugnance.

Alona was about to stand and just walk away when Eusebio, for the first time, in Alona's knowledge, talked back.

"Leave us alone." His voice was shaking, but there was spunkiness in the way he said the words. "Leave us."

The four students guffawed again, laughing uproariously. One of the boys walked towards Eusebio. He slapped him hard on his back, placed his hand on his head and whispered in his ear that his acting tough was not cool at all. Alona watched as the other guy interrupted, telling the first guy that they didn't need to waste more time on Eusebio, The Deranged. So they left, although the first guy looked back to make a punching gesture at Eusebio.

"I'm sorry."

"You pity me." Eusebio turned away. "I came to support Charles."

"Too crowded."

Eusebio agreed. "I can't make it to the front."

The two did not talk much. Alona asked how his essay was going, Eusebio answered he wasn't half-way done yet. Then he asked her the same question, Alona answered she hadn't even started. There was almost nothing that they could talk about. So Eusebio suggested that they try squeezing their way again to get closer to the stage. Alona agreed, following right behind Eusebio, but just as she lost sight of him, her eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar build. In that multitude, with no proper light to brighten the area, Alona was certain of what she saw. Lawrence. And their Dad.

She struggled to look for them. With the pressing and squashing, she could barely inch forward. Before she knew it, she had deviated from the crowd, she was now running in the alleys of Terra Cotta, coming behind a man she realized too late wasn't her brother nor her Dad. What she saw earlier was real though. It was Lawrence and her Dad. She hurried to take the bus going home, to ask their Mom if she was already back from work, to accuse Lawrence of being a traitor, although it was not really an accusation because it was true. How could he meet up with their Dad without her? How could he enjoy their Dad's company without telling her about it? How could he be so selfish?

Alona was hot in aggrievement. She was aggrieved that while Lawrence and their Mom would not permit her to see their Dad, Lawrence could. Whenever he wanted. She wiped the tear that was about to fall from her eye. She just wanted her Dad's presence. Was it too much to ask? She tried convincing her Mom to allow her to visit their Dad once in three months, but even with that proposition, she just wouldn't let her. And no one was telling her why. Why she was forbidden. Why did she have to be the only clueless one?

Alona stopped on her tracks upon seeing their lightless house. So Lawrence was still enjoying some quality time with their Dad. Alona teared up again at the thought of it.

Instead of heading towards the door, she turned on her heel. Buttoning up her pea coat and pulling her scarf up to warm her numbing lower face, she walked away. She would go to her Dad this time. She knew nothing, only that he was living in Currant, a city further south. She would just call Lawrence or her Mom maybe later in the afternoon. Tell them that she was lost. Maybe they'll tell her their Dad's address. She could just wait then. Till their Dad gets back from Scarlet.

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