Author's Note

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Author's Note

I decided to create this page for this story and for the readers. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this story. When I wrote this story, I hated myself a lot. Alona pretty much reflected my self-loathing. The self-criticisms and self-judgments I have dealt with because of my weight started and finished this story, so I thought this story deserved a written author's note.

This story's creation started when I was on my phone (if I was reading or watching, I could not remember). But I remember suddenly getting reminded and getting sick of how I was gaining weight uncontrollably that my heart ached to put my thoughts and emotions into words. So I began writing the first chapter. Yes, Alona's brother calling her a fatso is based on my brother calling me names (I will not write the offensive words here for they are really cruel and hurtful). But maybe because he is my brother, I lived with these name-callings in peace.

I used to doubt that love sees no size. I used to doubt love ever seeing me one day regardless of my weight, or size. But my friends' experiences proved otherwise. And so that was how Charles' genuine love for Alona came about. Gentlemen, men who treat women with love however we look like outside or inside, do exist (I am grateful I have my father as my father). They may be rare, but they do exist.

As for the rest of the story, they are all fictional.

That all said, thank you for understanding and once again, for giving this story a chance.

I wish you love, and I wish you all the best,

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