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Charles wanted to approach Alona after their last class. But hearing her not calling his name anymore after two days of doing so, moving fast, he left their classroom. It could be that she finally decided to leave him alone, let everything from before be in their proper places. Their silent lives, the two of them not talking to each other because they weren't close to begin with.

When did it start? When he felt like they were actually becoming friends? That evening when she called him handsome? That first time he walked her home? That night in their house?

Or maybe that afternoon he saw her crying under the awning of the Ruby Amore Cafe. He was seated on a bus going the opposite direction when he saw her running down the pavement, obviously sobbing. So he got off, though his stop was far from there. He was so worried for her then. He even mustered the courage to give her a hug. His chest was just tightening in pain, and all he wanted that rainy afternoon was to comfort her, he could not bear to see her cry.

Or maybe that one time after Mr. Higgins' class. When for the first time, Alona came up to him first. When for the first time, she talked to him first. And it was not about school stuff.

She was sleeping that time. Even after the class ended and the room got emptied, she did not wake up. So he stayed. To watch her just in case, and wake her up once she got enough sleep. He was going to do that, but Henry came. So he rested his head on his desk, pretending like he was asleep too. He didn't like listening to people's conversations, but he didn't have a choice.

Charles stopped walking. Recalling those small memories was making him want to go see her. When he gave her one of his studded bracelets last Christmas and she just threw it in a dustbin upon getting off, there was no denying that it disappointed and hurt him, but it didn't stop him from caring for her. Yes, I did not stop. So why would I stop now? He turned around. Before he knew it, he was already running.

He was panting when he reached the front of their house. She was standing on their steps, but then she was not alone.

He walked a few steps back, far enough not to eavesdrop. And he waited.


Sander was asking Alona out again. Said they could go see a movie or go for a coffee at the Ruby Amore. They could also go shopping if she preferred that for girls loved that.

Letting go of her hand from turning the knob, Alona faced Sander. "What about the girl?"

Brows knitting, Sander feigned a surprised look. "What girl?"

"Your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?! We broke up months ago!"

"You might get back together again while, let's say, we're going out."

"What? No!" Sander waved a hand. "Why might we? We don't---how do you know I have an ex-girlfriend? Aren't you being too clingy when I'm only asking you out?"

Alona was recoiling inside, but she did not show it. "Don't everyone have an ex-girlfriend or an ex-boyfriend?"

"Hah, not you."

An awkward, humiliating silence met the two. Sander licked his lips, realizing what he just blurted. "I-I mean, no one knows if anyone ever had or never had an ex. We're no fortune tellers."

"You want your girlfriend to see us together and make her question her pride and worth for how could you replace her with someone like me. And you only have to do nothing and just wait for her to go running back into your arms, wrong, neck again." Alona held the door knob once more and turned it open. But with the swing of his arm, Sander blocked the gap she was about to enter through.

"Is it in you girls' nature to be so suspicious and assuming? You're overthinking things! Why would I even do that? Look, I'll love you more if you become thin---lighter. I'll help you lose weight. If I have to run with you everyday and eat whatever little vegetable you eat, I will. I promise."

And here all along, Alona believed that Sander was a nice, kind, really good person. Stepping inside, she ducked to avoid Sander's arm, then pushed the door close but not before informing him, "I'm not assuming. I saw you and your girlfriend with my own two beautiful eyes."

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