Phase 7, part 2

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As I expected, the jounrey doesn't take more than twenty minutes

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As I expected, the jounrey doesn't take more than twenty minutes. While I may have some mixed feelings about flying, I enjoy the sea travel without any objections. In the Dead Zone, most of the water we could find was tainted and the only source of drinking water was usually rain.

I've seen some bigger lakes, but nothing could compare to the mass of water I see everywhere around me. I know it's not suitable for drinking, but I wish I could undress and just jump there, dive into the blue deep and swim until I drop. Maybe I'll find a chance in the upcoming days.

The ship stops next to a wooden wharf which leading on the island. We leave the ship. Some of the passengers seem to be happy the journey is finally over - and, to my surprise, Ryan seems to be one of them. When we reunite on the beach not far away from the arena, I'm shocked by his pallid face with greenish tint and strange expression on his face.

"Are you... alright?" I ask.

"Now I am," Ryan utters. "Kinetosis. Kinetosis is a huge bitch."

"What does it mean?"

"It means he spent the whole sail by puking," Svetlana appears behind him with a mischievous grin on her face. "After you left, he almost threw up at the carpet."

"Now I can freely say I hate both you and that goddamn being who screamed 'LET IT OUT' at me the whole time I was on the tiolet," Ryan utters and it doesn't take much imagination to realize he's talking about Jensen. "Only that Arabian dude is alright."

"Come on, Riri," Svetlana pats Ryan's shoulder. "Don't be so mean."

Ryan gives her a menacing look. "It's a nice dress you're wearing. It would be a shame if you had to change it. I'm still fully loaded and I'm not afraid to use it."

"Ew," Svetlana utters and steps back.

For the first time, we see where are we going to be accomodated in between the fights. Next to the arena, close to the beach, there is a small village of lovely white cottages with blue roofs with decorative climbing plants hanging from the bottom part of the roof. It consists of mostly rectangular shapes, save for several pillars and arcs above doors and windows. In between the houses, there are beautiful, colorful gardens (even though it's not spring yet) with fountains and statues.

"This is so beautiful!" Svetlana squeals. "I wanna stay here FOREVER!"

"It's pretty, indeed," Ryan (surprisingly) agrees. "But now, we have to register. Keep going."

We walk through the adorable village, aiming for the arena. There is some bureaucracy we have to do before the tournamment starts. I've pre-registered for the tournamment about a week ago, but now, the day before the start, I have to check in here in person to confirm I'm gonna participate and so on. I'll also get the keycard to one of the cottages where I can stay until my elimination or victory. There are big holographic letters above the entrance which regularly change between Αρένα Αθηνών and Arena of Athens.

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