Phase 11, part 4

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The badge is a real treasure for me

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The badge is a real treasure for me. But the girl has also a second reward. She hands me a cashcard and I shiver when I see the amount on it: ꝶ10,000. Well, I'm already used to making some money in tournaments, but this is the first time I see ten thousand.

"I suppose this is yours," I smile and hand the cashcard to Ryan. He hesitantly accepts it.

"I... I don't know if I can..." he stutters.

"Of course you can," I say. "I reached the top because of this. It's yours. Now finish your research and fulfill your destiny." I can't talk any more since I have to pose for little photography drones who fly around me like annoying mosquitoes. I wave to the crowd, initiating another wave of cheering.

I feel almost like the Champion of Champions, even though this is only an important step towards the title. However, I'm sure I'll be able to collect enough badges to qualify. I'll be able to compete with the most powerful Champions. Just thinking about it makes me shiver in excitement.

"Miss Tempest..." the girl in dress addresses me.

"Just call me Zoya," I interrupt her.

"Alright, Zoya," she smiles. "On behalf of TV Neoclash International, I say it would be a pleasure for us if you were up for a short interview for our viewers. You won a tournamment for the first time and I'm sure the whole Europe wants to know more about your motives, feelings, the relationship with your partner..."

"Interview? With me?" I squirm. "Okay... I guess?"

"In thirty minutes, commentator's booth. Is that okay?"

"Sure," I smile.

After I leave the arena, I have to endure thunderous congratulations of all my friends. Svetlana rejoices like a little girl. There are even my friends from the Newcastle illegal arena - Odin, Scarlet Sparrow, Shaman. It takes a while before I can explain them that I need to take a shower, get dressed into something that has pants and give an interview to the most important Neoclash TV channel in Europe.

"Okay, but after you return, we'll be waiting right here!" Svetlana winks at me.

"Don't worry, I'll be all yours," I promise. "We are in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. We can stay here for a couple more days!" I look at Ryan. "Would you mind?"

"I would mind if it was any other place," Ryan replies, munching on a chocolate bar (this time out of joy). "But since we're in DIANA, I'm willing to stay here as long as you need me to. Just don't expect me to attend all your loud, wild parties."

"There won't be any," I say. "As you probably know, I'm not a big party animal myself."

"No parties?" Svetlana wails. "You're a killjoy, Zoya!"

"Okay, okay," I laugh. "Maybe a little one."

I go to the dressing room where I change into my casual clothes. However, when I step out, I run into Comette. She also removed her costume, now she's wearing a gray sleeveless top and black jeans. She gives me a venomous look, so hateful it makes me shiver. "This is not over, little one," she hisses. "I'll make you bitterly regret your victory." Then she just leaves.

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