Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up the next morning and realized I had missed the morning prayer. Panicked, I rushed to the bathroom to perform ablution. After completing my prayers, I reflected on the fact that this was my first morning in my new matrimonial house. Every bride should ideally be in her husband's loving embrace, peacefully asleep, but that was not the case for me.

With a sigh, I rushed to take a bath and contemplated what to wear. I couldn't help but think about what might have been if I had married someone I loved, and who loved me in return.

I wore a simple stoned green and purple blouse and skirt (atamfa), I left my hair untied, reminding myself to break this habit of leaving my hair opened.

Feeling famished, I headed downstairs to find food on the dining table and two blue notes.

One note stated that he was off to work and would return after 9, while the other mentioned a pink note and some money with the driver if I wanted anything.

I couldn't help but laugh at the irony. It seemed that my so-called husband preferred not to see my face, but I was willing to play along. I squeezed the papers and responded with a note that read, "Thank you, paper husband."

Feeling a sense of determination, I opened the warmers and enjoyed my meal of yam and egg, pepper soup, and chicken nuggets. I decided to check the kitchen but found everything well-stocked, so no shopping was necessary. I headed back to my room, re-organized my drawers with native and English clothes, veils, and more.

I spoke with my Monmy for a while, updating her on my situation. Then, I called my Munira and Zara, via FaceTime.

Munirah: "Amarsi yar lelen ango"

Zara: "Why are you calling us this morning? Aren't you supposed to be cuddling in bed with your husband right now?"

Me: "He had some urgent office work to attend to."

Munira : "He'll be coming back soon Ai , Stop being lazy, get up, prepare something delicious for him, and dress nicely."

Zara: "Afrah, you will find love in marriage, Insha Allah."

Me: "You two are not even married, and you're giving me advice? Zara, when are you coming back? I miss you."

Zara: "I'm coming back next month, Insha Allah. I won't be staying at home; I'll be staying with Ya Afaan's wife for a while. Funny enough, I don't even know her."

Me: "You'll become her 'yar aiki' (house mate). It's good for you. I almost forgot that Ya Afaan is married. I wonder how his wife is coping."

Zara: "you know me better , I don't take nonsense from anybody.

Me: "i can't wait to have you back , i and Muni live in the same town, amman She doesn't even check up on me."

Muntaz: "Affi, you just got married yesterday and I'm already in your house the next day? Your husband will think I'm a nut case."

Zara: "You are one melodramatic bunch."

After the call, I couldn't help but think about home, missing my family and friends. I decided to cook after performing my prayers. I made Chinese rice with fried chicken and watched movies on my laptop.

I called the driver at 5:30 , Mallam Idi, and gave him a long list of things I wanted, including chocolates, cookies, cappuccino, and pink papers I needed to stock my room if I want to win this battle.

Mallam Idi came back fifteen minutes later and I arranged everything accordingly.

Still battling boredom, I decided to take a bath and wash my hair. I brought out my boom box and played some music, blow-drying my hair while dancing.

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