My sanctuary , my home 🏡

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        No goal is too high if we climb with care and confidence.

Everything came back to her in a rush , her eyes flicked open and the first person it landed on was afaan.

"Alhamdullilah mami , she's awake" he yelled rubbing his head.

She ignored the excitement in his voice and got up from the bed , afaan noticed this and ended the call.

"Afrah , relax back you need to rest okay?"

She turned and glared at afaan till she was sure it literally burned his skin , how did it happen so fast ? One minute she was so deeply in love with this man and right now she was feeling such strong resentment towards him,she ignored his pleas wondering how long She's been unconscious, She moved away from him when he stepped towards her and walked to her pink Chanel bag which was neatly packed, She felt She was being selfish cause a part of her wanted to hear him out while the other part wanted to thrash his ass , However she chose none And quietly pushed her box forward.

"Naseer I want a divorce "she whimpered.

Those three words.....

Hurt worse than a brutal heartbreak , more than getting punched in the guts yet she said it without any emotion.

She scooted to my side pulling her box behind
"Afrah" I called her name and she stood still.

"Afrah I'm not going to divorce you , we are going to talk about this and settle it like grown ups , I married you for a reason afrah, and we are going to fix this."

She looked as though she'd been hit by thousands of bricks and I wish I was MIA , I walked to her and hugged her back.

"listen to me afrah , wallah believe me those pictures were photoshopped , Anisa is still in the  Psychiatric, I can swear with my life afrah that it's a set up, look at me afrah , look in my eyes ? Please tell me you believe me"  she looked blank , I couldn't read her expression and I was slowly breaking into pieces, I released her hands and sighed in utmost surrender.

"Fine , if you don't believe me , I'll let you be , I'll book another room , but I'll never divorce you afrah , I can't , I lied to myself once  that I didn't love you just because of my utopia of not dating younger girls , but I found my comfort, you're my comfort Khadija"
i pecked her forehead and walked out.

Immediately he left I became a crying mess , I cried to my fill then got up , took my bath ,performed my ablution and prayed to Allah SWT for sabr, then switched my phone and replied tons of messages from the girls and finally decided to call adda scarlet today cause I was sure adda ummi is sleeping now and not forgetting that she's pregnant and her pregggiess hormones are not helping one bit, if I call her by this time I'm sure she'll jump over the phone and pull my eyelashes off.

Dummm.... dummm....

Haydas face popped on the screen and I was sure she mistakenly picked the call , she was suprised at first then snapped out of it and started jumping on the bed.

This sweet bundle of joy , I smiled and rubbed my tummy , I really can't wait to have a little human in me.

"Babyyyyyy , where is your mommy?" I called getting her attention.

"My mom?" She asked.
She had a habit of repeating almost everything anyone said and it was sometimes annoying.

"Yes your mom hayda, where's she? And where's hayna?, I miss you guys so much"

Just the two of us (EDITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now