Sleep talking wife 😂

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He dragged me to his room , after saying hello babe and smirking he resumed to his normal work letting me stand like a statue
I took into his room and I must admit it was sparse and beautiful , everything was either grey or black.
Dull colors just like him
I got tired of standing and sat on the couch facing him.

Stupid anklets

I remember when I started wearing them everyone that saw me with them will talk to me about them
Ke Khadija kin San meh wanan ya Ke nufi (do you know what this means)
No numskulls, I guess I was blind when I brought it

Kin San yadda zaa rika kallon ki (do you know how people in the society will be looking at you).
Toh se me, at least they have eyes to look.

Oho dai kan ku ake ji.

Afaans p.o.v

I resumed my work , not really though.
I kept glancing at her , she got tired of standing and sat on the couch.
She was looking at her legs and shaking them , making her anklets make clink sounds, she rolled her eyes for the tenth time and made a face which was funny.

I held my laughter in and called her attention.

"Ke what are you doing with your face like that"

She bulged her eyes and twisted her mouth.

"What face are you talking about"

"Who gave you the permission to sit on my couch and what are you doing here in the first place".

"What does it seem like am doing here, it's my husbands room and I'm here to sleep now"she pulled a duhh face

I stood up and walked to her , and she hurriedly stood up too, with every step I take she moves back till her back hit the wall and she shut her eyes really tight.

"So who's your husband , ba ki da kunya ko?(you're not ashamed yes?)" I smirked.

"Eh din(yes) , zama da madaukin kanwa(staying with you taught me to be disrespectful" she said shutting her eyes more.

"In mutum ya San shi cikaken Mara kunya ne , ya bude Ido ya fada mana(If you think you're fully disrespectful open your eyes and say it).

"Look ya afaan I'm sorry , please let me go"

"Who's holding you" I moved back.

"Whatever"she muttered.

Afrahhs p.o.v

Whatever I muttered and was about to duck pass him, when he pulled me closer and carried me on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"W—-haaaa—t are y—ouu doing?"I yelled wiggling.

He dropped me on the bed and bent to my level and kissed my forehead, then my nose and then down to my lips , he kissed my lips fighting for an entrance to my mouth with his tongue and bit my lips real hard when I denied him the access making me moan giving him the forced green light.

He kissed me to his satisfaction then pulled away smirking and walked to the toilet.

"That's what you get darling for disrespecting Naseer miko"

I caught my breathe and imitated him

My very first kiss taken away by this monster , though I must admit it was kind of shhhhh.
I ignored my hormones and rubbed lip balm on my lips cause my lips still sting from the unwanted kiss and I really hope it doesn't leave a mark tomorrow.
I walked to his king sized bed and yanked the cover , making myself comfortable his scent lingered on the sheets and before you can say hamburger I drifted off.

15 minutes later

"Haan wallahi zain If I slap you , you'll regain your senses Toh" I turned.

"Tashi tashi, who told you to sleep on my bed eh?" I opened my eyes slowly and met ya afaans face , he was shirtless , with gray sweat pants.

He looks hot.... yawn.....
I closed my eyes and was shook really rough again
Afaans p.o.v
This girl is a really heavy sleeper , I shook her for the third time and she opened her eyes partly and smiled then began






She grabbed my hands and pulled me to the bed.

"Now.....sleep.....don't even think I'm here ....I'll let you sleep on my bed ......even......even..... though....


"Youre a bad .......husband" and she started snoring peacefully.

So she sleep talks , I smiled and got down the bed, I tried to make her release my hands but she won't.

"Don't...leave....please" those were her last three words and she started snoring once again , I slid into the blanket next to her and turned off the light, placing her head on my chest.

"Bismika Allahumma amutu wa ahya( in your name , O Allah , I die and live" I pecked her forehead and whispered three words into her ears.

Lol, so what do you guys think he whispered ??? 😈😈😈😈

I'm trying to end this book at chapter 40 and start publishing my new work hush.

There's this book I'm reading here on wattpad that is really distracting me but I promise you I'll update every two days insha allah.

Ma'asalam habibties😂😂❤️❤️❤️

I love you all and god bless.

Oh and don't forget to press that tauraro/star.

Thanks ghost readers.

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