Chapter Eighteen , Meeting the Mannirs.

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It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life-Elizabeth Kenny

Bullz arrived shortly after I felt my emotions reaching a breaking point.

"Dude, what's up? You had me worried," he exclaimed as he entered.

I couldn't help but wish I could match his confidence and eyed him skeptically. "I wish I had your confidence, Bullz," I thought to myself.

He looked at me with concern. "Are you possessed? Why are you looking at me that way? And where's your wife? Did you murder her?"

"No, Mahmoud, I didn't murder her," I responded, hesitating to reveal the truth about my wife.

"In fact, I don't even..."

"You don't even what?" Bullz inquired, his suspicion growing.

I quickly changed the topic. "Do you remember Afrah? Zara's friend," I asked, hoping to shift the conversation.

Bullz furrowed his brow but then remembered.

"Yes, of course, I remember Afrah, the girl you had a crush on but couldn't approach. ," he replied, clearly annoyed by my evasive behavior.

I heaved a sigh of relief. "Well, do you know anything about her? You two used to be close, right?"

"Yes, man, she got married, I heard it from Zara but wait, dude, why are you asking about her? She's no longer single," Bullz informed me.

Thank goodness it wasn't her. I sighed in relief, trying to play it cool.

"Nothing much, Bullz I just wanted you to come over so, how's work?"

****Afrah's POV****

I cried myself to sleep and awoke to the sound of the Adhaan.

I blinked, struggling to believe it was morning already. "Seriously, Khadija, you slept the whole night. Well done," I muttered to myself. Shaking off the memories of the previous day, I tried to focus on the day ahead.

I completed my morning routine and chose a simple floral paradise jumpsuit to wear. Sitting in front of the mirror with a small towel on my head, I removed it and allowed my hair to fall to my back. I had long hair and I decided to make big box braids.

An hour later , after what felt like eternity, I was finally done. I looked at myself in the mirror, satisfied with the result, and gathered my hair back.

 I looked at myself in the mirror, satisfied with the result, and gathered my hair back

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