Chapter Three

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(A/N: Sorry it's been so long since the last update! Life has been quite chaotic with midterms and the holidays! I just wanted to write a note here saying that I KNOW that in Cursed Child it has Scorpius and Albus meeting for the first time on the train to Hogwarts, but I believe that Ginny and Astoria got along well [check out The Magic of Christmas for more of their relationship] and that therefore Scorpius, Albus and James all had playdates sometimes, and that Astoria and Ginny forced Draco and Harry to make amends for the sake of their kids. But, that's just my canon and if you disagree, I'm sorry but, I wrote it this way! Anyway, enjoy and I hope you keep reading! Until next time!)

Harry stretched his arms up and let out a sleepy moan, rolling over and gently laying his arm across Ginny's body. He pulled her in closer and she subconsciously curled into his body, still half asleep. Sunlight streamed through the thin, white curtains making the room bright.

"Mummy? Daddy?" A voice came from the door way. Harry lifted his head to see James standing there, clutching his stuffed dog. "I'm hungry."

"I'm coming James," Harry whispered, slowly sliding away from Ginny, who grumbled and opened her eyes. Her long fiery hair was splayed out across the pillow, and the sun caught it, giving it a golden glow. She sat up slowly and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Okay hon, we'll get it," she mumbled, gathering her hair into a messy bun quickly. It lazily flopped to one side, but she tied it with an elastic and stood up.

James reached his arms up, stuffed animal still clutched in his arm, and Harry walked over and scooped him up effortlessly.

"Is Albus up?" Ginny heard him ask as they walked down the hall, then a patter of footsteps running after Harry's.

"Here I am!" Albus cried, and Ginny giggled.

"Careful of the stairs!" She called through the door way, standing up. She trodded into the bathroom and turned on the sink, splashing some cool water on her face to wake herself up a bit. She glanced to the clock on the wall and saw the time.

"Harry!" She cried, her eyes widening. She raced down the stairs to find Harry searching through the icebox for some fruit.

"What? What's wrong?" Harry stood up, his eyes widening a bit with concern.

"It's 9:20. Astoria and Draco are coming over with Scorpius for a play date in 40 minutes!"

"Why the bloody hell would you schedule a playdate so early?" Harry exclaimed, dropping the bag of strawberries that he had in his hands back into the icebox.

"It was the only time she was available today and Albus was begging!" Ginny cried.

"Okay, so you go take a shower, I will get the boys some food and ummm" Harry glanced around the house. It was a mess with clothes strewn all over the place and random toys. He pulled out his wand and waved it at the mess and everything began to fly into its place. A broom appeared and began to sweep the floor that was littered with crumbs.

"Thank you. I know Draco isn't your favorite house guest, but Albus and James really like Scorpius" Ginny sighed.

"It's alright. Now hurry up and get ready so I can get a shower before they get here," Harry gave her a gentle smile.

As soon as Ginny disappeared up the stairs, Harry whipped around.

"Shit," he whispered, digging frantically through the ice box.

"Bad word Daddy," James scowled, shaking his finger at Harry.

"I know James, I'm sorry," Harry sighed, lifting Albus up and setting him in his chair.

"It's okay Daddy, I forgive you," James shrugged, picking up the slice of pumpkin bread in front of him and biting into it.

Harry smiled at his son, before turning back to wave his wand at the fruit so that it cleaned itself.

"Okay boys, I am going to run upstairs and grab some outfits for you two. No playing around. I need you to eat so that Scorpius can come over, okay?"


"Okay daddy!" The boys exclaimed through mouthfuls of food.

Harry took one last look at the boys sitting innocently in their chairs at the table before heading quickly for the stairs. He first entered Albus' room and opened the chest of drawers. He pulled out an orange shirt with a lion on the front, and a pair of jeans and some tennis shoes.

Next he walked into James' room and, kneeling down, opened the chest of drawers, pulling out a plain pale blue, long sleeve pocket tee and a pair of jeans and black tennis shoes.

Suddenly, there was a crash from downstairs and Harry sighed, dropping his head and closing his eyes with a sigh. He stood up, clothes in hand, and started his way downstairs.

When he entered the kitchen, the sight took him by surprise. Albus was sitting in his chair, giggling, while James was standing off to the side, a look of shock on his face. His eyes were wide as he surveyed the mess, and then slowly he looked up at his dad.

"Harry! Harry, what happened?" Ginny yelled, hurdling down the stairs two at a time. She raced into the kitchen, a towel wrapped around her body loosely. Her long hair was wet and hung down limply as it dripped.

"Oh my Merlin..." she whispered as she entered the kitchen, coming to a halt next to Harry.

All of them surveyed the mess of the kitchen. The table was sagging in the middle from where it appeared to have been snapped in half. The food was splattered across the floor and walls, and the chair that James had been sitting it was flipped- although they didn't know if that was from whatever caused the mess, or James' attempt to dodge it.

"James, what happened?"

"I... I took his bread because I was still hungry... he got mad and hit the table, and all of a sudden, everything went ZOOM!" James waved his arms around, demonstrating how everything flew.

Harry and Ginny looked at each other, eyes wide, then Ginny burst out laughing. She grabbed Harry's shoulders and hugging him tightly.

"He's magic!" She exclaimed, holding her towel as she gave a little hop and a squeal. She stopped for a moment and turned to James.

"Now James, you know better than to take your brother's food. Next time, wait for Daddy or I and we will get you some more, okay?"

"I learned my lesson Mummy," James nodded, eyes wide with seriousness.

"Good," the smile returned on her face, "now go get dressed and we will clean up this mess."

She turned back to Harry, "I'm going to go finish my shower now. Clean this up will you? And for Merlin's sake Harry, what made you think that leaving them alone would be a good idea?"

"I was gone for at most a minute! I thought they would be fine!" Harry exclaimed. Ginny just shook her head and walked away, hips swaying sassily as she did. Harry found it hard to be upset as she was just so gorgeous... and kind of right, as always.

As Ginny disappeared out of sight, Harry sighed and turned back to the mess of the kitchen and waved his wand at everything on the walls and floor, fixing the table.

Suddenly, something wet hit his head and dripped down his face and glasses. Albus giggled hysterically. Harry pressed his lips together tightly.

"Well Al, I found the mashed bananas."

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