Chapter Twenty One

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Ginny set the steaming cup of tea in front of Draco and took a seat on the sofa across from him, leaning against Harry, whose strong arms wrapped around her protectively.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come," Draco said, standing up.

"Sit down," Ginny commanded, and Draco's eyes widened at her stern tone. He glanced at Harry for help, but Harry just shook his head and motioned to the sofa. Slowly, Draco sat back down.

"You obviously are upset, or else you wouldn't have come here," Ginny stated.

"I wasn't thinking. There was nowhere else I thought to go," Draco replied, voice shaky. "I tried Aunt Andromeda's but she wasn't home."

"We have Teddy for the weekend while she's out of town," responded Harry, nodding his head towards the upstairs where all they had put all three boys to bed moments ago.

"I couldn't go to my family because they don't support our relationship, but to hell with them. I love her, I really do," he dropped his head into his hands.

Giving Harry a sad look, Ginny stood up and slowly made her way around the table and took a seat on the couch next to Draco, reassuringly rubbing his back. Harry's eyebrows furrowed at the sight, but he held his tongue. It was obvious Draco was in pain.

"I can't help but think this is all my fault," Draco said after several moments, sitting up to reveal a tear streaked face. Something inside of Harry crumbled. He had hated Malfoy all through school and even now, they weren't on the best terms, but he wouldn't wish this upon anyone's family, even Malfoy's.

"Listen to me," Ginny said, moving back to her seat next to Harry. "This is in no way your fault. I know it feels like it, but Astoria knew she was sick. She wanted to have a child, and you knew no better."

"You're right," Draco sniffed, brushing his hair out of his face and wiping at his eyes. "I didn't know, and I just wanted her to be happy, and she really wanted a baby."

"Malfoy, you need to promise me something though," Harry said as a realization hit him. Draco looked up at him with bloodshot eyes, one blonde eyebrow raised with curiosity.

"Whatever ends up happening, you have to promise me that you aren't going to blame Scorpius for it."

"I would nev-"

"I know you think you won't, but in that situation, you're just looking to blame whoever is available, even though it's nobody's fault. Believe me, I know."

The room was silent for a moment.

"I think I'm already blaming him," Draco said quietly, his voice cracking. "I don't want to, but I am. I keep telling myself that it's not his fault, he had no say in the matter, but he is the reason she is so sick now."

"You can't do that Draco. It's not good for either one of you, and it's not going to make anything better," Ginny said, before pausing for a moment.

"I think the best advice I can give you is to just treasure the time with the both of the them while you have it. That's what I would want, and I know that's what Astoria would want too."

Draco sighed and took a long drink from his tea.

"Thank you," he said finally, setting the empty cup on the table. Ginny waved her wand at it and it disappeared. "I'd better get going before she gets worried. I'm supposed to be picking her up some snacks from a muggle drug store right now."

"I'm familiar with that," Harry grinned, glancing at Ginny with a grin.

"Oh shut it," she teased before yawning. Draco stood up, and grabbed his cloak from the back of the couch.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry for just barging in," Draco apologized again, adding to his very out of character behavior.

"Don't worry about it. Keep us updated, alright?" Ginny said, guiding him out.

"Take care," Harry called behind him. As soon as he was gone, Ginny raced into Harry's arms and let the dam of tears burst.

They sunk to the ground, and for ten minutes, Ginny sobbed into Harry's chest. He held her tight against him, letting a few tears of his own slip down his face.

After her silent sobs began to die down, Harry carefully pulled her from his chest and brushed his thumb along her soft cheek, brushing the tears away.

"Shh, it's going to be okay," he soothed. "It'll all be okay."

"Poor Astoria," she choked, another tear sliding down her face. Harry just pulled her into his arms again and cradled her against him.

Something cold pressed against Ginny's leg and she looked up from Harry's sweater to see Snuffles sitting beside her, tail thumping slowly. He cocked his head and gave her a look of curiosity.

"Hey boy," Ginny sniffed, giving the dog a soft smile. He leaned down and nudged something until it touched Ginny's foot.

Looking down, she picked up Snuffles' favorite toy and set it in her lap, before reaching out her hand and scratching the big black dog behind the ears.

"Thanks you," she whispered, knowing the Sirius' spirit was with them at that moment.

"How about we go upstairs? You can change and get in bed and I'll bring you some chamomile to help you sleep," Harry suggested, gently guiding his wife to her feet. He had known that she and Astoria were friends, but he hadn't realized how close. Perhaps it was the abnormal amount of hormones raging through her body at the moment, or the lack of sleep, but he suspected that Ginny and Astoria's friendship went deeper than he had previously believed.

Several minutes later, Harry had gotten Ginny settled into bed, and was now about to prepare making her tea. Suddenly, there was a loud bang at the door, making him spin around quickly, wand drawn. The bang echoed again, and Harry groaned when he saw the source.

It was Kingsley's owl, flying repeatedly into the window to get his attention. Attached to his left leg, a single note was tied. Harry gasped when he saw what it read, and dropping it, he ran upstairs in his stockings covered in Snitches, to get his family.

Lying on the floor, Snuffles got up and trotted over to the note, sniffing it and beginning to growl, for all it read was:

"We have Kingsley. Now, 'The Boy Who Lived', surrender yourself or say goodbye to those sleeping boys and wife of yours forever. By the way, nice quidditch socks. Be careful not to burn the tea."

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