Chapter Fourteen

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"James! We're going to be late!" Ginny called up the stairs to her son.

Today was James' first day of muggle kindergarten (Hermione insisted everyone send their child to muggle primary school before Hogwarts-- Merlin knows it helped her). James was so excited that he insisted on picking out his own outfit and getting himself completely ready all on his own.

A few moments later, James appeared at the top of the stairs and Ginny's eyes grew wide.

She had been expecting James to look a mess, and to be completely devastated, willing her to help him. Instead, it was quite the opposite.

James was wearing an untucked, blue plaid shirt, some jeans and a pair of red Keds that Fleur had bought for him on his last birthday. He proudly walked down the stairs, a smug look of satisfaction plastered across his face.

Ginny watched as her son made his way to the cloak closet and pulled out a navy blue jumper to wear over the top of his shirt to protect him from the morning's cool breeze.

Harry descended the stairs a few moments later, and Ginny turned to him, a look of awe (and slight confusion) on her face.

"Did he do that?" She whispered.

"I'm afraid he did," Harry said, shaking his head slowly. "Merlin, he's going to be such a flirt."

"Don't forget trouble-maker," Ginny added, watching as James finished gathering all of his things.

"I said going to, implying that he's not already," Harry teased, playfully elbowing Ginny. She rolled her eyes, but grinned.

"I'm ready for school mummy," James exclaimed, standing in front of the front door with a big grin on his face.

"Okay, let me grab my keys and we will go," Ginny smiled, walking into the kitchen to grab her car keys.

She snagged them off of a hook that was hung next to the door to the garage and then headed back into the foyer where Harry was hugging James.

"You have a good day alright?" Harry ruffled his son's already unruly hair.

"Daddy!" James cried with a laugh, immediately trying to fix his hair. "Don't mess it up!"

"Okay, okay. Love you James," Harry told him, kissing his forehead.

"Love you too daddy," James giggled, hugging Harry one last time before Harry stood up and turned to Ginny.

"Have a good day at work, dear," Ginny told him, quickly kissing his cheek.

"You too," Harry gently grabbed her arm and pulled her into an actual kiss.

"Ewwww!" James exclaimed, "can we go now? Please!"

"Alright," Ginny laughed. "Let's go."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I just cannot believe that today is his first day of elementary," Ginny told Hermione over their lunch.

"It's insane, I feel like just yesterday you were telling me you were pregnant," Hermione sighed, glancing at her bulging, six month pregnant, belly. "And now look where we are."

The two laughed, and Ginny took a bite of her pita. Normally, the two wouldn't go out for lunch, but Hermione had called her this morning and explained that it had been a bad day, and she was craving Nando's, and Ginny insisted on taking her there for lunch.

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