Chapter Seventeen

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"It's positive," Ginny said, opening the door from the bathroom, handing Harry the test.

He grinned, and pulled her into a tight embrace. "This is great!"

Ginny giggled as he picked her up and spun her around. He set her down and knelt down, pulling her shirt up to give her flat stomach several loving kisses.

"Mummy and I are so happy to have you little one," he whispered, glancing up at Ginny who was smiling lovingly down at her husband.

"I can't believe this is actually happening," Ginny whispered as Harry stood up and pulled her into another embrace.

"I wouldn't trade this for anything," Harry grinned. "I love you."

"I love you too," Ginny kissed him gently.

A bark echoed from outside the closed bedroom door, and Harry walked over and opened the door to reveal Snuffles, sitting impatiently, his tail thudding against the ground excitedly.

As soon as the door opened, Snuffles raced over to Ginny and immediately planted himself at her feet.

"I guess you're going to have a little helper this pregnancy," Harry chuckled, kneeling down to pet the fluffy dog.

"What a good boy," Ginny praised, scratching behind Snuffle's ears, prompting him to close his eyes in enjoyment.

"So..." Harry began, standing up and sitting on the bed. "When do you want to tell the family?"

Ginny stood up and walked over to take a seat next to Harry. He wrapped an arm around her, and she leaned in to his protective embrace.

"I don't know... I was just thinking about the same thing. As much as I want to tell everyone, I don't want to risk..." She trailed off.

"Yeah, I understand," Harry gave her a squeeze. "I'm sure you're in the clear, but I understand that being cautious is better in this case."

"When we do tell them though, we need to do something that the rest of the family hasn't done. Mum and dad must be getting so sick of the repetitive brunch announcements," she giggled, thinking about all of the times a pregnancy announcement had been made at that table.

"I agree," Harry chuckled. He kissed the top of her head and she turned, laying her head in his lap and he began stroking her hair gently. They were quiet for several moments before Ginny spoke again.

"I think we should start going to see a therapist. Just to help us with the PTSD from the war," she spoke softly.

"A shrink? Gin, I really don't think that's necessary," Harry frowned. "Besides, we wouldn't even be able to talk to a muggle about it."

"Harry," Ginny said seriously, sitting up to face him. "I'm serious. Both of us have been having more attacks recently than we have since right after the war. Now, I don't know what's triggering these, but I know that we need to get help. What happens if one of us seriously hurts one of the kids because we don't realize what we're doing?"

Harry sat for a moment, letting what she said sink in. He thought about how bad Ginny had felt the day before when she had kicked James, and began thinking about how bad it could be if they used magic without even realizing what they were doing.

"And as for not wanting to speak with a muggle, Hermione gave me the name of a Squib therapist that she went to go see with her parents after she restored their memory. She said that she did a wonderful job and really helped everyone. I think it's at least worth a try."

Harry thought for a minute before sighing. "I suppose it's not a bad idea. I have been struggling a lot more recently than I was before."

"I have too. I think we should both go, either together or separately," Ginny frowned. She leaned into Harry's arms and nuzzled into him as she smelled his cologne.

"Thank you," Ginny whispered after a moment.

"No, Gin. Thank you," Harry replied, stroking her hair gently. "Thank you for caring, and not just treating me like an invalid all of these years. Thank you for taking me in under your wing, instead of just throwing me out to the curb like the Dursley's always wanted to do. Just thank you for being you."

Ginny sat up to face Harry, the expression on her face obviously pained.

"What they did to you- how everyone treated you- during those years... that doesn't define you Harry. I know that you know that now, but I need to reiterate to you that the way they treated you isn't how you deserve to be treated. You are the most selfless, caring, kind, amazing man I know, and they should be envious of you now. Not because of any materialistic factors, but because you have a huge family that loves you dearly, friends that will and have done anything you need, and two amazing children, plus a gorgeous wife," she grinned, "and you're about to welcome a third in a few short months. You're the most amazing person I know Harry, and I would do anything for you. I love you."

Without needing to say anything, Harry leaned in and wrapped his arms around Ginny in a tight, yet gentle, loving embrace.

"I love you too Gin. You're the most amazing woman I know."

"I know," she teased, laying her head in his lap and staring up at him with her big, doe-like eyes.

"We're going to have another baby," Harry breathed with amazement as the realization hit him yet again. Ginny's eyes crinkled as she smiled, looking at Harry admiringly.

"We're going to have another baby."

[A/N: Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since the last update! Life has been SO SO SO SO crazy recently between school and spring activities and just life in general! I'm trying to balance personal time, school time and a social life and it's very tricky, and then adding in a boyfriend and final exams coming up, it's hard to fit everything in! I've also been struggling with some writers block. I knew I wanted to write this chapter, and I came up with several lines of it after I woke up at 2 am once. I jotted them down and promptly went back to sleep, but the next day I knew I had to fit them into a chapter somewhere, and it quickly turned into this chapter. Hopefully I will get to do some more writing soon, and when I do, the chapters will be more exciting! Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you're still enjoying! While you await the next chapter, go check out some of my other stories! I hope you have a wonderful day, and happy reading! :) ]

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