Chapter Four

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"Ginny, we need to leave!" Harry called up the stairs, exhausted. Albus had been up almost the entire night for some unknown reason. He wasn't running a fever, and he hadn't had a nightmare- he had just insisted on "staying up like a grown up", despite Harry and Ginny explaining that grown ups did, in fact, go to sleep right after the kids.

"I'm coming!" She hollered, and a few moments later she descended the stairs, pulling her long hair into a pony tail. "Sorry, my hair was being a hassle."

"It looks great. Are you ready to go?" Harry leaned his head against a wall, closing his eyes.

"Okay first of all, you didn't even look at it, and second of all, yes. I am."

Ginny grabbed Albus' hand and marched over to the Floo, throwing in a handful of powder.

"The Burrow!" She cried, then bustled through the flames.

Harry glanced down at James, who was looking up at him. "Mummy is mad."

"Thank you James," Harry sighed sarcastically.

"You're welcome." Harry couldn't help but chuckle at his son's misunderstanding.

"Let's go James," he grabbed ahold of his son's small hand and together they walked through the Floo and into the bustling den of the Burrow.

"Hello there!" Molly Weasley cried, rushing over to her son-in-law and grandson as if she didn't see them at least twice a week.

Molly knelt down and wrapped her arms around James before pulling away and grinning.

"I think I need some help baking some of this food, do you think you can help me?"

"Yes!" James bounced up and down excitedly.

"Alright then! We'd better get started now so that the food is ready in time," Molly stood up and winked at Harry before taking her grandson to the kitchen to 'help'.

Suddenly, a hand was around Harry's waist and he jumped, surprised. Ginny wrapped her arms around his side and pulled herself into him.

"I thought you were mad at me," Harry murmured, surprised that Ginny, who usually refused to be the first apologize in a fight, was now here embracing him.

"I think Hermione is pregnant again," Ginny whispered and Harry took a step back to look at her.

"Did she tell you?" He whisper yelled with excitement.

"No! And keep your voice down! She's just glowing and is in there picking at the food before its even fully ready. She is usually the one chastising people for that! Besides, she's getting a little bigger around the middle."

"I suppose it's possible," Harry paused. "Are you going to ask her about it?"

"Merlin no!" Ginny muttered. "I can't go up to her and just say 'hey Hermione, I've noticed you're eating more and getting a little pudgy, are you pregnant?' No! She would hex me out of this house if she wasn't."

"So you told me, when you're not sure if she is or isn't, and now we can't even ask to know for sure?" He raised an eyebrow at his wife and she glared at him before opening her mouth to say something.

But before she could, Molly came out of the kitchen and hollered into the den.

"The food is ready! Come eat before its gone!"

Harry took his chance to escape his increasingly irritated wife, and headed into the dining room where the table was extended for everyone to sit. The family had grown so large that Arthur had charmed the room of the house to extend to fit everyone.

Harry took his normal seat, and James hopped into the chair next to him. Slowly, the rest of the family trickled in, taking their seats. Ginny carried Albus in and set him in a booster seat before taking a seat between him and James.

The room grew louder and louder as everyone began chatting as they dished food onto their plates and dug in.

The entire meal went normally- George made some jokes, Charlie told some stories about dragons, Ron explaining (in grave detail) some meal he had made for supper the other night, and Arthur was engaged in a conversation with Hermione about the newest muggle contraption he had discovered.

After all of the plates had been scraped clean and banished to the kitchen, Ron stood up and way to excitedly smacked his spoon against his glass to make a toast. The glass shattered and shards flew everywhere. Instinctively, Hermione gripped their daughter, Rose, close to her chest to protect her from the sharp glass.

"Whoops, sorry about that," Ron turned beat red and waved his wand to clean up the pieces. "I suppose I got everyone's attention though."

Everyone chuckled, even Hermione, who let go of Rose and stood up and took her place next to Ron. He wrapped an arm around her waist.

"We have some news," he grinned giddily. Ginny shot Harry a look, eyebrows raised in an 'I told you so' look.

"I'm pregnant!" Hermione exclaimed, placing her and Ron's hand on her belly. The entire dining room erupted into cheers and shrieks, as if the news of another grandchild/godchild/niece or nephew didn't seem to come every month.

Everyone took their turns getting up to hug and congratulate Ron and Hermione, and when it got to Ginny's turn, Hermione bit her lip in a smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," she apologized sheepishly. "I actually just officially found out from a Healer the other day, but I've known for a while. I didn't want to say anything and jinx it though."

Ginny just gave her a hug, smiling as she pulled away.

"I'm so happy for you and Ron," she bounced up and down excitedly. "I can't wait to meet my little nephew."

"How do you know it'll be a boy?" Hermione asked, laughing.

"Because, he's a Weasley. That's what Weasley's seem to do best. Have baby boys," she laughed, looking around the room at the mass male redhead population.

Hermione rolled her eyes, but she still smiled.

"Congratulations Hermione," Ginny said once more.

"Thank you Ginny," and with one last hug, Ginny moved on to chat with George, but her mind was spinning.

She was going to be an aunt... again.

[A/N: Here's that update you've been waiting for. I apologize for the wait, but I was facing writers block as to how to write this scene. I wrote it and rewrote it SOOOO many times before I settled on this, which still probably sucks but, OH WELL!

I have recently been writing a new story called "All My Lasts" and it's not my normal content, but I love writing it and I would love if you checked it out, please and thank you!?!

I hope you enjoy and keep reading, and thanks again for supporting me and being patient while waiting for updates! :) ]

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