Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"You were very lucky Mr. Potter. They both came out relatively okay, all things considering. Your baby girl is healthy as can be, and Mrs. Potter is just a bit battered and bruised, but she will heal quickly. You can go see them now if you'd like."

Harry sighed, relieved. He'd never been so happy to hear news from a Healer in his life.

"Thank you," he murmured exhaustedly, all of the night's emotions and stress finally catching up with him.

But everything was going to be fine, because Ginny and Lily were okay.


When Ginny began to wake once more, the first thing she noticed was the hand tightly embracing her own.

"Hey Gin," a soft voice called to her, and there was suddenly someone gently stroking her cheek with a calloused hand.

Her eyes fluttered open slowly, blinking rapidly in order to adjust to the harsh lighting in the apparent hospital wing.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, looking down at her with eyes full of worry.

"Mmm," she hummed, motioning to her throat with her hand that wasn't splinted. Harry knew already what she needed, and had already conjured a glass of water. Carefully, he helped her sit up enough to sip from the cup.

"Thank you," she croaked in a hoarse whisper, voice rough from sleep.

"How do you feel?" Harry asked again, patiently stroking her forehead and cheek with his calloused thumb.

"Like I fell down a flight of stairs," she gave him a small smile to reassure him.

"Well, I would imagine," he gave her a weak smile back, but the movement didn't reach his eyes.

"'s the baby okay?" She slurred sleepily, hand traveling absentmindedly to her stomach.

"She's fine. She's strong, just like her mum," Harry soothed, placing his hand atop of the one Ginny had placed on her abdomen.

"I'm sorry," Ginny whispered after a few beats of silence. "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"Shh, no. Don't worry about that," Harry hushed, cupping her face in his hands as the first tear fell from her eyes.

"I didn't mean all those things I said, I was just scared. I know sorry doesn't cut it but-"

"Gin, it's okay. I forgive you. And I'm sorry for the things I said too. You were upset, and just because you were yelling didn't mean I had to as well. I'm sorry," Harry apologized. "But I don't want to worry about this right now. All I want to do is get you both home safe and taken care of."

"I love you," Ginny whimpered as Harry brushed away another tear.

"I love you too," he replied softly with a smile, genuine this time. "Now, how abouts we get out of here?"

"I would love nothing more," she joked lightly.

"Alright. I'll go get a Healer to check you over once more and then we can get home, yeah?"

"Sounds perfect."


"Remember James, Albus- be very careful with mummy. She's got a few booboos, and we don't want to hurt her," Harry warned as he carried both of his son's into the house carefully. Fleur had been kind enough to offer to watch the boys while the rest of the family was at St. Mungo's with Ginny, but now that she was home, Harry had just come back from fetching the children from the Shell Cottage.

"What happened to mummy?" Albus asked, cocking his head a bit.

"Yeah, why does she have booboos?" James questioned, crossing his arms as if he didn't believe what his dad was saying.

"She fell down," Harry responded patiently. "You know how sometimes you fall and get hurt? That's what happened to mummy. But she'll be okay soon."

He set the boys down on the floor and gave a quiet knock on the bedroom door.

"Hey Gin, are you up for some visitors?" I asked, popping my head inside. Ginny looked up from where she was reading a book that Hermione had recommended, charmed so that she could focus and read through the concussion without hurting her head.

"Of course! I'm always open for visitors!" She set her book down and opened her arms for hugs, smiling at her sons.

"Mummy!" James rushed over, leaping on to the bed.

"James, remember we have to be gentle," Harry scolded lightly, but his voice held no bite. He knew it was hard for the small child to understand.

Albus carefully clambered on to the bed and found a open spot by Ginny's side where he nuzzled himself under her arm.

"Hey baby," she cooed, planting a kiss on top of her youngest son's head.

"Are you okay mummy?" James asked. "Is baby okay?"

He leaned down and kissed Ginny's stomach gently, just like he had seen his dad do many times. This made Ginny smile and she ruffled his hair affectionately.

"I'm okay James, and so is the baby, it's alright," she assured him.

"I love you mummy," Albus hugged her around the middle, and Harry smiled when James followed suit.

"I love you too," she gave them both a small squeeze. Harry then sat down and James laid his head in his dad's lap, immediately drifting off to sleep.

Harry smiled down at his sleeping son for a moment before looking up at Ginny who was doing the same with Albus.

"How did we get so lucky?" She asked, stroking Albus' hair down soothingly.

"I wonder that everyday about all four of you," Harry grinned, reaching a careful hand over to grab Ginny's hand that was resting on her stomach.

"I love you," he whispered softly, leaning over to kiss her carefully, as not to wake the sleeping boys.

"I love you too," she murmured in reply.

And before they knew it, everyone was asleep.


(A/N: I apologize for how short and crappy this chapter is after it took so long to come out. I was using this as a filler for more to come! Also I apologize for the really bad last line, I'm so bad at writing conclusions to anything- essays, chapters, entire stories, etc. ! I hope to update a few other stories soon and then I'll update this one. I do ask that you be patient with me, though, because school starts back up again next week and it's going to take a little bit to get back in the swing of things and balance all my work once more. As always, thanks for reading and stay safe!)

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