Chapter 9

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            “Bloody Brightflames,” said Apollo Love, Chief of Oldale, and Lord Commander of Slateport’s army for this battle.  “It’s a wonder your people can sleep at night,” he said to Gerald Stone, the Chief of Rustboro.  Apollo figured he must weigh as much as a boulder, though, considering how fat the man was.  He even had a matching mustache and gigantic nose to go with his Spirit Pokémon, Probopass.

            Apollo tried not to smile when he first met the man since the battle of Meteor Falls five years ago.  He could feel Gallade’s Psychic powers pulling the muscles on his face away from smiling too much at the man’s funny appearance. 

            Five thousand campfires… It looks like the sky itself fell down.  In truth, Mt. Chimney’s campfires look like the stars themselves had fallen from the sky.  Apollo and the Slateport army had made good time, arriving just two hours ago where they joined camp with the Mauville force that King Spark had brought.  The King of Mauville looked the same: a big beard, and a big laugh.

            Apollo had never understood the traditional battle practice of the Brightfires from Lavaridge.  He laughed as he nudged King Spark, who was also present, though he didn’t block out the moonlight.  “See how they let everybody know exactly where they are and how many they have?” he let out another hearty chuckle.  Some of the younger Mauville men were confused at Apollo’s demeanor. 

            They must think me a man half-mad to laugh at the size of that army.  It made no matter, Apollo laughed or at least smiled at everything.  He saw this battle as a challenge, and challenges were just obstacles to be overcome.  Though his sister Luna had made things harder on him.  It seems I must not lose a single man in the fight.  Damn you, sister, must you make things impossibly difficult?  Though even that couldn’t stop Apollo Love from smiling on the inside, no matter how much Gallade kept him from smiling on the out. 

            “Ha!” boomed King Marsh.  “I was worried about this battle before, but now that you are here, old friend, it seems our victory is all but certain.  Let them stick to their traditions.  The more they flout their faulty psychological tactics, the less men we need to win.”

            Apollo always liked King Spark.  The man loved life and drinking, like Apollo did.  It seems there is no doubt I should return to Oldale and my lady, and my daughter, Hera.  The thought of his daughter made Apollo smile more than anything ever did.  There was no bounds of a parent’s love for their child. 

            He had seen what he had needed to see now, and Apollo turned to take his leave of the hill with Chief Stone and King Spark.  If only there was something to make this battle more exciting… It’s going to be such a dull victory. Unless…

            “King Spark, one more thing if I may,” he said. 

The King of Mauville clanged as he turned around in this armor.  He was seated on Manectric who also glimmered in the moonlight in its own armor.  “Can we start the battle tonight?  All this waiting for them to attack is like to bore my men.  If we lead the charge tonight, can you follow behind?”

The notion took Chief Stone aback, who sneezed.  Probopass let out a metallic buzz, also astonished.  The King pondered his words for a moment, considering the numbers.  It was well known that while the Brightflame’s kingdom was famous for their steel, the majority of the men who wielded it were severely lacking in skill. 

“I don’t see why not,” said King Spark after mulling it over for a moment.  “A surprise attack may take them off guard, ever increasing our chance of victory.”

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