Chapter 25

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            Apollo Love had heard the news.  Sootopolis ships had been prowling the waters around Pacifidlog.  It was as if they were preparing for a fight.  It makes sense now, he deduced.

            Diving Pokémon had searched the wreckage of the ship near where Lily was found.  Every crewmate, oarsman, and officer were accounted for.  Everyone except the passenger: Stubble. 

            Apollo had remembered his rage at old Chief Granite when he had got a description of Stubble.  Fool, he remembered thinking.  Apollo had nearly crossed swords with Ahab in a battle for a small island during the Great War.  He could still see the man’s crazy eyes shimmering in the sunlight as he sat on his Gyarados.  Alas, it was the day we received word of Carlos Brightflame’s first invasion.  If Sam Marsh hadn’t have given the retreat order from the Eastern Sea, I might have cut down Ahab before he could have slaughtered my niece and stole my sister.

            There were many things in that could never be fixed.    Perhaps if we had abandoned Spark and Mauville we could have put down the Glamour Empress’s rebellion... and King Sam Marsh would still be alive.  He looked into Gallade’s eye and shook off his thoughts.  It did no good to dwell in the past. Only the future can be changed.

            The tavern he was in was crowded, just what he wanted.  It did no good to call soldiers for his plan.  Apollo would need more than mere soldiers for his mission.

            Apollo was gathered around a table, accompanied by a ship builder, a blacksmith, glass-worker, and a carpenter.  “Men,” he said.  “I thank you for being here today.”

            The carpenter nodded his head.  “It’s an honor, my lord.”

            “I’m going to skip the formalities.  I called you here because I need all of you,” he looked at each of the men in turn.  “You are the greatest craftsman in Slateport, and the greatest ship builder in all of Hoenn.” Silence followed.  The other men looked at each other, at Gallade, yet none said a word.  “I need a vessel built, like none has ever been built before.”

            The shipbuilder’s eyes twinkled.  I have their attention, Apollo thought. 

            He continued.  “I need a ship that is stealthy and swift.  It need only be small, yet suitable for a long voyage.  Ten men at most I plan to take with me.”

            The shipbuilder looked at the carpenter.  “A small feat,” said the shipbuilder “I have just the model in mind.”  The carpenter nodded.  “I daresay getting the wood won’t be so hard.”

            They have no idea what I ask, Apollo realized.  He turned to the others: the glassworker and the blacksmith.  “I need glass thick enough to withstand high pressures, and twenty of your strongest chains.”

            The glassworker and blacksmith were able to oblige.  The strongest glass was promised, and chains with metal of the highest quality.  Yet it was the ship builder whose head was spinning.

            “Forgive me for asking, Chief Love,” he said trying to hide a smile.  “What kind of ship are we building?”

            Apollo was hoping to ease these craftsmen into what he was about to say.  I would have to come out with it sooner or later. “I want a ship that can swim under the water, and carry me unseen behind enemy lines.”

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