Ch.12 Prideful Officers

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I finally stop running when I see police up ahead. Huh? What's going on? Forgetting about my suicidal friend, I walk up to the tape and try to look around, but a police officer stops me.

"You need to go, miss. This is a crime scene."

"I'm part of the Armed Detective Agency. I would like to know what's going on."

I show him my badge.

"I see, you must be with the other two detectives."

"Other two?"

That's when I spot my twin and the guy with his eyes always closed. He's the man that I also met at the warehouse on that night. His name is Edogawa Ranpo. Kunikida told me about him.

He's considered the Agency's greatest detective. His supernatural ability is call Ultra-Deduction. It allows him to solve any case within seconds. So there's no keeping secrets from Ranpo. It really does sound amazing. I see why he's the Agency's best.

But right now, it looks like Ranpo is having a disagreement with an officer.

The grumpy looking officer is a tall man, likely in his 40s. He has short black hair and wears a button, tie and slacks with a long coat over top. He has a stern expression and has deep wrinkles on his face because of it.

"Atsushi! Ranpo-san!" I called out as I race over.

"Great, more of you." the officer grumbles.

"S-Shiori?! What are you doing here?" Atsushi asks.

"Funny story actually..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Is there anymore of you coming? I told you before, go home. You're not taking this case." the grumpy officer speaks.

"Don't be silly. Baffling mysteries are always handled by great detectives like me. Everyone knows that." Ranpo replies.

"Yeah, well that's not happening today. It was one of my officers who got killed."

A murder? The officer lifts up the sheet, that was covering a body, to reveal it was a woman. She was completely soaked. There was also two bullet holes in her chest. Ranpo took off his hat and held it to his chest out of respect. Atsushi and I lower our heads.

"...A woman." Ranpo mutters to himself.

"Her body was discovered floating in the river this morning..." another officer informs us.

This young officer had short, choppy brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a standard police uniform, and is considerably short.

"There bullets in the chest. We don't know when or where it happened, and we can't find the bucket casings either." grumpy explains.

"Any idea who did it?" Ranpo questions.

"Nope. From what we could tell, she didn't seem to be in a relationship either."

"So that means you don't know anything." Ranpo teasingly smiles.

"...Which is all the more reason we can't leave this in the hands of untrained detectives."

"Sir!" another officer shouts as he ran over to the five of us.

"There's something in the net!"

A number of forensic officers watch was a crane lifts something from the river.

"What's going on over there?" Atsushi asks.

The young officer explains what's going on.

"We set up a net to make sure evidence doesn't get washed away with the river."

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