Ch.32 Family

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The silence is unbearable. I stood in front of the director's desk, with my eyes looking directly at my feet. The director sat at his desk, with his eyes close. We've been like this for ten minutes now. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to talk first, or wait for him to.

Another minute goes by, and I can't take it anymore. I take my badge and place in on the desk, in front of him. He opens his eyes to look at it.

"I'm leaving the agency..."

He stays silent and listens to my words.

"I understand that I should of told you earlier. I'm very sorry for not doing so. But I didn't want to be reminded of that year spent with them."

I clutch my fists as I stare angerly at the ground.

"...I understand if you don't trust me. Hell, I wouldn't. I don't want everyone to worry over if I'll betray them or not. Plus, working with people who won't trust me can...hurt. I don't intent on hurting this agency."

"What will you do then?"

I look the director in the eye.

"I'll disappear again. I did it once, I can do it again. I can find work elsewhere."

"...Is that what you want?"

"...No. I want to stay. But no one can trust me. So I'll make things easier."

"I take it that, this is the reason you hid this from us."

"Yes. I didn't want you guys to not trust me. This agency is means a lot to me. This place helped my brother and I land on our feet. You guys didn't have to take us in. We got jobs, a roof over our heads, and made some awesome, crazy friends. Everyone here is like family to me."

I hung my head low.

"I don't want to lose that... But I don't want to cause trouble. I was hoping you guys wouldn't find out, but it's too late now. I'll pack my things and leave the apartments right away."

I turn around and walk to the door. I open the door, and Tanizaki, Naomi, Atsushi, and Kunikida fell onto the ground. Yosano, Ranpo, Kyouka and Dazai were standing right outside the door. Forgetting I was sad just a moment ago, I get pissed.

"You guys were eavesdropping?!" I shout.

Kunikida quickly climbs to his feet and fixes his glasses like nothing happened.

"I told you guys to return to your desks."

"You were eavesdropping the most, Kunikida-kun~." Dazai calls his partner out.

"N-No, I wasn't! This was the brat's idea!"

"I never told you all to follow me!" Atsushi protest.

"We were worried, Shiori. Sorry." Tanizaki apologizes to me as he helps his sister up.

Naomi runs to my side and grabs both of my hands.

"You can't leave!"


"She's right, you know." Yosano smiles.

"You're not as great as I am, but your still better then most people here. You have to stay." Ranpo grins.

"But...I can't be trusted."

"Who said we didn't trust you?" Kunikida questions me.

I lower my head.

"I'm an ex-member of The Guild..."

"Which makes us trust you more then anything. Don't you see it, girl?"

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