Ch.11 That's A Nice River...

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"I'm sorry for making you and Kunikida-san worry. I'm just a stressful person who brings stress to others."

"I think you've grown a lot. I remember how you used to be so emotionless and quite when you were younger."

"Yeah...Atsushi changed me after I met him. It was like I found a piece of me that I never knew."

"Well, I'm glad you found that piece. You're so much more fun now."

"And you're a lot goofier then I remember. Who knew becoming a good person would change you so much."

"I'm simply living life."

"Funny, coming from a suicidal maniac."

The two of us chuckle as we walk. We finished lunch a while ago. Currently, we're walking through Yokohama without a care in the world, just catching up.

As we walked and talked, I didn't watch where I was going. I bumped into some old man and we both fall over.


I rub the back of my head.

"Argh, watch where your going, b*tch!" he barks at me.

Well...someone's grumpy.

"H-Hey, sorry man."

Dazai helps me stand on my feet. I try to help the man, but he slaps my hand away.

"Don't touch me! I don't want your filthy hands ruining this suit! Do you know how much something like this cost?! You owe me." he man growls as he climbs to his feet.

"Excuse me?! Well sorry~! I should of knock you down harder!"

I glare at the man as he looks me up and down. Ew~, pervert. Without any warning, he grabs a hold of my chin and forces me to look at him.

"If you're willing to bark, you're willingly to pay up then, right? I know how you could make money in no time. We could have fun, and you'll be able pay me back."

Ew~! Get me away from this pervert. A hand grabs the man's wrist, and tightly holds onto it. The man looked at Dazai's smile, fearfully. His smile held a bit of darkness to it.

"You shouldn't touch, or say something like that to a young lady. I think you should go before you make this any worst."

"...I see. You must be the boyfriend."

I instantly blush.


"Yes, I am. So could you apologize to her and be on your way. Or, I'll let her punish you anyway she sees fit. If you still want to live, I suggest you apologize."

I smirk at the guy.

"Punish me? That's funny. She's just a girl. She's can't do anything."

Dazai's dark smile faces me. I reply with the same smile.

"Just like old times?" he asks.


The guy started to realize we weren't kidding when I snap my fingers. Violet rings appear around my body.

"Supernatural ability, Darkness Within."

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Dazai and I were walking over a bridge, side by side.

"I wonder what would happen to that pervert." I think out loud.

"He'll either get arrested for public disturbance, or he'll commit suicide. Your ability has that kind of affect on people."


My ability, Darkness Within, is a scary ability. It causes my targets to get trap in their most horrifying nightmare, and can never leave it. They either go crazy, or they kill themselves. It depends on how strong a person's spirit truly is. The only way to stop it is to use Dazai's ability to nullify it. Dazai had me use this ability a lot when we would interrogate people, back when we worked for the Port Mafia of course.

My brother doesn't know about my true ability. He thinks my ability is the one I told him. I told him my ability is called Light Sleep. It's when I give people sweet dreams to fall asleep to. I have to tell him the truth sooner or later. Luckily, it can be later. No one at the agency asks about my ability, and Dazai hasn't told anyone. He said I should do it when the time's right.

But anywho, after I used my ability, the man freaked out and ran off. He's either in police custody by now, or he found a place to off himself. I don't really care what happens to the people I choose to least, I didn't before.

"...That's a nice looking river."

Those words snap me out of my thoughts. I look to see Dazai looking over the railing and at the river below the bridge.

"Don't you dare!" I shout.

I tried to reach out and grab him. But he was a bit faster than me. He jumps over the railing and lands into the river. He completely disappears into the water. This pissed me off.

"God dammit, Dazai!!"

I ran off the bridge and follow the flow of the river. I ran along side it until I met a dead end. Great. I return to the streets of Yokohama and try to follow the river from there. But never did I expect the river to lead me to a murder.

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