Chapter 6. Charles

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Nicole's POV

We pull into the parking lot of a bar in downtown Chicago, just driving through it you can tell it's a bad part of town. 

"Just how do you know that you're even going to get in here?" I ask curiously.

"It's my Uncle Charles bar." He says as we climb out of the car. We wait for the others to park and head into the bar. We all go up to the bar there is a black guy behind the counter. 

"Charles." Andy says, the black guy looks over at him.

"Your uncle is black?" I ask in disbelief.

"He's my uncle in law, married to my aunt." He explains.

I nod in understanding. 

"You kids best book it out of here if the cops get called." Charles says.

"Alright." Andy nods. Everyone order's there drinks and we walk toward's the dance floor to a table near by.

After finishing our first three drinks and talking for an hour Tiffany, Thomas, Heather, and Brandon walk over to the dance floor.

"You guys actually dance to this?" I ask confused looking at Andy.

He laughs. "You know rock started from blues music." He says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah." He nods.

A quicker upbeat song start's, Andy tilts his head and stares at me for a moment. "Wanna dance?" He asks.

My jaw drops. "I don't really know if I can dance to this..." I trail off surprised he asked me to dance. He chuckles gets off the bar stool and grabs my hand pulling me toward's the dance floor.

He spins me out and back into him, I let him lead not sure what to do. He spins me back and forth so quickly it puts me in a haze. 

He slides me under his leg's so fast if he hadn't of been holding me the entire time I'd of gone sliding across the floor, I squeal in surprise and he laughs.

He grabs me around the waist picking me up swinging me onto his left side tilting me back then swings me to the his right side picking me up and dipping me again.

He grabs me around the waist picking me up swinging me onto his left side tilting me back then swings me to the his right side picking me up and dipping me again

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He spins me around again and again, I laugh. He spins my back into his front and holds onto my hips we move side to side as we go down to the floor and back up. He spins me around again and dips me at the end of the song I stare up into his eyes incredulously and smile.

He smiles back at me and laughs. "That's how you dance to it love."


We head out of the bar and get into the car I've got a strong buzz but I'm not drunk this time. Ryan and Billy get into the backseat of my firebird. Andy and I get into the front seat and he pulls out smoothly.

On the way home is quiet, Andy seems like he's in a good mood just as when we were dancing but his blue eyes are still hard and cold no emotion showing in them at all.

When we get onto the highway the car speeds forward, pretty sure Andy is going faster than he's supposed too. I look up at the speed limit sign and it says 55 mph. 

"Yo Andy how fast you going?" Ryan asks.

"Uh." He looks down at the speedometer. "75 why?" He asks.

"Better go faster then that bro." Ryan says.

Andy and I both look back at the same time seeing the red and blue light's flashing behind us.

"Pull over." I tell him.

Andy looks at me in disbelief. "Are you insane?!" He yells as he get's on the gas the car lurches forward fast.

I look down at the speedometer watching as it makes it's way to 100 mph. "ANDY!" I scream.

"OOOH SHIT!" Billy screams as we swerve around a corner the car whips around the corner so fast I go to grab something but miss and I'm damn near in Andy's lap.

Ryan and Andy laugh at Billy and I as we scream our heads off, the car lurches forward.

"Are you crazy?!" I scream.

Andy smirks at me, as he whips back out onto a different highway taking us away from the city light's I look back sure enough he lost the cops.

Once we make it back to my house Andy pulls the car up to the curb.  I sigh as I realize the others haven't made it here yet, and Andy needs his car. "Park my car in the garage not on the curb you guys can come in until they get here." I tell him.

He nods and moves the car up the driveway pushes the remote to the garage to open it and pulls into the garage.

We climb out of the car and head into the house. "I thought your driving was bad." Billy snorts. "Damn near pissed myself." 

I laugh quietly, and nod in agreement.

I spin around to face the boys. "I'll be right back." I whisper, I catch Ryan looking at my ass. Andy is looking a different direction. I make my way upstairs to my bedroom without saying another word.

Once in my room I look around for my long T-shirt that I wear to bed sometimes. Once I find it hanging in my closet I change into it quickly then throw my clothes in the basket.

When I turn around and start heading for the door, I stop mid stride realizing somebody's standing there.

"Andy?" I whisper in confusion.

He steps forward slowly his eyes not leaving mine, I'm frozen to the spot. The closer he get's to me, my breathing becomes shallower and quicker. 

He get's right in front of me having to look down because I'm much shorter then he is, I start moving backward's then my back is pressed against the wall.

He traps me between the wall and his body. 

"W-what are you-" I cut off losing my voice, one of his hands start's slowly traveling up my thigh. I gasp in shock at his touch, his chest start's rising and falling.

He inches closer to me our lips just an inch apart now. I stare down at his lips without meaning too.

This shouldn't be happening, I know it shouldn't I barely know this strange, crazy boy but he does strange things to me my stomach is in knot's.

He grabs onto my wrists roughly and slides them up the wall above my head locking them there and then smashes his lips to mine. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth biting on it, I open my mouth and moan he dart's his tongue into my mouth. 

He wraps a hand around both my wrists keeping my arms above my hand and drops the other hand down to my thigh and start's running his hand up my inner thigh.

If his body wasn't pressed up against mine I'd have collapsed under the heat my body is feeling, it's driving me crazy.

My core heats up, I feel a throbbing between my legs making me moan again. He runs a hand up closer to my heat but instead of touch my core he runs his hand across my bare stomach, suddenly we hear the front door slam and he breaks away from me.

Both of us gasping for air he stares at me for a long moment, his expression confuses me.

"You'll be the reason it all falls apart." He whispers angrily he spins away from me quickly and leaves my room.

I'm stunned by the way the situation had turned into something bad, he kisses me and he's angry at me for it? 

How in the hell does that work?

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