Chapter 18. Controlling.

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Nicole's POV

"Tonight?" Andy asks confused.

He listens to the person on the other end and then sighs.

"Um yeah sure." Andy says running a hand through his hair.

He hangs the phone up and looks at Brandon. "We're making a drop with the Chinese tonight." Andy tells him. 

Brandon nods in understanding then walks away leaving Andy and I in the kitchen alone. He comes up to me and presses me up against the wall he trails kisses down my jaw line. "I have to go." He mumbles against my lips and then kisses me softly.

"What am I supposed to do if the girls try to leave?" I ask.

"Fucking let them, they've been warned." He says irritated. "I can't help them if they refuse it. Just try to keep them here keep them busy there is plenty of food in the fridge and freezer. Pretty sure I got liquor in the cabinets too if you guys feel like drinking." He shrugs.

I laugh quietly. "Okay." 

He kisses me once more and then leaves the kitchen, I sigh. I was never really that into sex not with my ex boyfriend but after how heated things got in the bedroom it has me very interested...

Rather we should go that far yet or not is beyond me, is it to soon? I'm not sure of the answer but I have never in my life felt so sexually frustrated.

After the guys leave the girls all look at me in confusion. 

"What?" I ask sitting down on the couch.

"You're just okay with it?" Heather asks.

"I like Andy a lot, I don't know it just really doesn't even bother me." I say and shrug. They all nod in understanding but don't speak.

"Look just listen to him he seems to know what he is doing, stay here until he says its safe to go him. We could have a few drinks if you guys want too find something to do." I trail off suggestively. 

The girls get excited about the idea of drinking so we head for the kitchen in search of alcohol. 


By the time the boys get home we're all three sheets to the wind. We're playing UNO at the kitchen table and laughing like goons.

"What in the fuck?" Ryan asks. "Who the hell let the girls into the liquor cabinet."

"Lighten up babe and have a drink." Jess says walking up to him meaning to pour it in his mouth but get's it all over his shirt.

We all hoot in laughter but then Andy walks in and we all go dead silent, he has such strange effects on people.

"He did." I point blaming Andy for it and then start laughing hysterically.

"Yo ya'll need to get in here and get your women to bed!" Andy yells. I place my hands over my hips and give him a challenging look.

"Maybe we don't want to go to bed." I snort.

"Right well it's three in the morning and we do want to go to bed, damn did you drink all my liquor?" He asks.

I turn around grab the bottle of southern comfort and slam the little amount that's left, then burp. "It is now." I smirk.

"Damn bro she's a keeper." Kevin chuckles walking into the kitchen.

Andy shakes his head incredulously at me. He comes walking over to me and I knit my eyebrows together. "What the hell are y-" I start but then cut off and scream as Andy throws me over his shoulder.

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