Chapter 33. Duffel Bag.

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Andy's POV

"Man I've got a bad feeling." I admit to Brandon.

The men we were supposed to meet her haven't even showed up. 

"I'm sure they'll be here soon Andy relax." Brandon says.

"Look man I ain't saying that you don't know what you're doing but you need to understand that we don't know who the fuck we're dealing with here." I growl. "I know better than any of you how the streets work, and sometimes shit can get fucked up. If you all want to stay here be my guest but I'm going home something doesn't feel right."

The boys all stare at me for a long moment, but they turn and get into my car. I spin the car around out of the parking lot and head toward's home.

When we pull into my driveway something is definitely off, there's a black van similar to the one we met up with earlier in my driveway.

"Hand me the gun out of there." I say pointing at the glove box.


Nikki's POV

I usher the kids into the corner of the kitchen.

"What's going on Nikki?" Josh asks.

"There is some bad men here, don't try anything stupid or they might kill us." I whisper as I grab a butcher knife from a drawer standing protectively in front of the kids.

The men all walk into the kitchen with guns pointed at us and the kids scream. I keep the knife pointed at them and have a fierce look on my face. "I don't know who you are or what you want but you are so in the wrong fucking house." I growl.

They stalk closer to us and I push the kids around the island. 

"Put the knife down bitch." The man says angrily.

"RUN!" I scream at the kids Josh, and Anthony grab the youngest three and take off out of the kitchen. 

The men begin to run after the kids but I stand in the doorway of the kitchen in their way. "I swear to all that is holy if you follow them kids I will cut your balls off and feed them to you." I growl fearlessly pointing the knife at the spot between his legs. 

I quickly move the knife stabbing the man in the leg and run down the hallway.

There's more men standing in the doorway, it's Andy and the boys.

Andy is staring at me wide eyed I look back and one of the men has his gun aimed at me. Andy quickly grabs onto me and spins me around I hear the gun go off Andy hisses in pain. 

Andy spins back around and I hear guns firing I turn in time to watch Thomas drop to the ground. "Thomas!" I scream getting down beside him. 

There's nothing I can do, one of the men shot him in the head I throw my hand over my mouth as tears roll down my cheeks I quickly stand back up looking over the boys there's only three men left standing at the end of the hallway.

Another shot is fired, Nicholas falls to the ground. Another shot goes off and Brandon falls. Four shot's are suddenly fired sounding almost all at once I look over and all the men are on the ground.

Andy turns slowly to look at me he's bleeding being shot in the back and the chest he slowly sinks to the ground I get down beside him. 

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