Chapter 10. Scorpions

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Nicole's POV

We pull into his driveway. "We having a sleep over?" I ask sarcastically.

"Since you like to be a spy yes we are because now lucky me I have to babysit your ass." He grumbles.

"You could have let them kill me." I suggest climbing out of the car.

He narrows his eyes at me, then stretches his arm out pointing at the house. I grumble in irritation but stomp toward's his house because really I haven't got many options, besides I want to find out why he was in the alleyway. 

We get into the front room I follow him kicking my shoes off, and hanging my jacket it up.

"Be quiet love my family is asleep." He whispers.

"You have a family?" I ask arching an eyebrow, he rolls his eyes and points me toward's the stairs. I climb up them but stop in the long hallway I haven't a clue which room is his. 

"At then end of the hall." He whispers. I walk all the way down the very long hallway passing several doors on each side until I make it to the door at the very end of the hallway.

I open the door up and he follows me in, his room is the same as I remember it his bedroom is very clean compared to most guys. His bed is even made with the scorpion blanket on his bed which is awesome I love his blanket.

He watches me as I walk around his bedroom being nosy, he stays at the door watching me he seems careful but curious.

"Are you gonna tell me?" I whisper as I run my fingers acrossed his desk which has amazing drawings on it. I look up at him arching an eyebrow at him but he just watches me.

"That depends." He whispers.

"On?" I ask.

"What you want to know and why you want to know it." He whispers.

I snort dropping my hand from the desk I spin to face him and cross my arms over  my chest. "Oh I get it you think I'm going to tell? Even though telling could obviously get me killed so what's the point in telling? It's your life I don't get to choose what you do with it." I tell him.

"Then why does it matter?" He asks.

"It doesn't, but if it doesn't matter to you then why don't you just take me home?" I ask him. 

He swallows hard and looks away. "I can't stand the thought of something bad happening to you." He whispers and then looks up at me from under his eyelashes. "I don't know if they would have followed you." He admits.

"Who are they?" I ask.

"Mexican Cartel." He whispers.

I keep my expression blank because I'm not really surprised that's sort of how it looked. "Do you work for them?" I ask.

"Yes and No." He says tilting his head back and forth as if to weigh the answer.

"How is that?" I ask.

"I work for myself." He admits.

Wow he is really on a truthful streak.

"Why'd you lie to me?" I ask.

"I've never lied to you." He says.

"You said that I meant nothing to you, what changed?" I ask.

He clenches his jaw in agitation not wanting to answer the question so he shrugs.

I arch an eyebrow at him, as I begin to yell at him he walks towards me. "Just give me a fucking answer Andy I ca-" he cuts me off smashing his lips to mine, I moan against his lips.

He pulls away from me and he is angry, go figure Andy is always angry.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." He whispers darkly running his hands through his hair. I watch him as he start's pulling his wallet that has a chain linked to the loop on his pants, he takes his necklace off tossing it into a glass bowl of some sort.

"That's not an answer." I whisper shaking my head. He starts taking his ring's off his fingers too. 

"I created a gang, Chicago Scorpions. It's been getting bigger, and bigger at first it was small you know just Myself, Brandon, Ryan, Kevin, Nicholas, and Thomas now there's others involved." He admits. "You saw me buying Cocaine to sell it, I'm the Cartel's biggest Coke dealer."

My lips part slightly but I quickly close my mouth and look away. "Who knows?" I whisper.

"The ones that are apart of it, and my mother." He says.

"Your mom knows?" I ask in surprise.


"Wait...Heather, Chloe, Tiffany none of them know or?" I ask in confusion.

He sighs and shakes his head. "You only know because you found out by mistake." He says. "You do not tell this to anyone else. You want me to be straight with you about things then you have to keep your word." 

"I won't tell." I promise. "Why'd you decide to start a gang?" I ask.

"Needed the money, my father died and he was the main income my mom's just a waitress. My dad was working in construction, so he made somewhat descent money. Seven kids was to many for my mom to take care of on her own, I had a job working in a car wash but it wasn't enough money."  He explains.

"I'm sorry, how'd he die?" I ask.

"He committed suicide." He says coldly and turns around he start's taking his shirt off.

"So you did this to take care of your siblings?" I ask.

"We were living in a three bedroom run down shitty house in the bad part of the city at the time my dad died, when he died we got a little bit of money because he had a life insurance policy through the construction company he worked for. It wasn't much though after covering funeral costs, once that money was out we started losing the house so I started the gang been doing it since." He says. 

"My mother hated it at first but she also knew if we lost the house she'd lose all of us we'd wind up in foster homes and all separated she didn't want that so she takes the money I give her and ignores the part of where it comes from. She just wants to keep her family together, what's left of us." He explains.

The way he says this sort of rocks me I never knew what it was like to struggle financially so I can't understand where he's coming from but I imagine if I was put in his shoes I'd do it no differently.

"Why'd your dad do it?" I ask curiously.

He drops his head to the floor knitting his eyebrows together.

"Forget it, you don't have to tell me if you don't want too." I whisper.

"I imagine you'll find out eventually." He whispers. "I don't want to get into it tonight."

I nod in understanding and shrug. "It's okay." 

He walks closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I didn't realize how strong my feelings were for you until I saw Ryan kissing you." He admits. "I haven't been with anybody in a long time for a reason at first I thought that maybe I was just attracted to you but I was wrong and I didn't want to admit it to myself." He whispers resting his forehead against mine. 

I look up into his eyes, and it takes me a moment to register that the cold, frozen blue eyes I'm used to seeing have melted completely but as soon as it registers I wind my hands around his neck and smash my lips to his.

He kisses me back darting his tongue into my mouth he keeps his arms around my waist and lifts me up carrying me onto the bed.

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