Chapter 3 - Recovering

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A/N - Just thought it worth mentioning that, as with all my stories, POVs run rampant and without warning. If you read as an editor it may drive you nuts so readers be advised.

"After a full review, Miss Bleeker, my office has waved any and all charges against you in the death of Blake Wellman; you are free to go with that in writing and signed by me, Willard Covey, Mayor of Parkerville." With a small display of pomp, Willard presented the aforesaid document and an envelope to hold it. He sat back beaming beneath a framed certificate of authority presented by a crony at the county seat who happily provided the document, if only to appease a nagging wife. Seemed Willard had relatives touting his cause with great effect.

"Thanks, Mayor." Nathan stood and held Allison's chair. "I'll see you back to the hotel, Miss Bleeker."

She stood and showed the Mayor a timid smile along with a murmured appreciation, turning and catching Nathan's eye with relief.

"Told you. Never had a doubt," he said, handing her down the step from the mayor's office onto the road. "Watch those ruts."

"I wasn't sure . . . Doctor Howard seemed so- so . . ."

"Amos is an old fuddy with old fuddy notions." He guided her around the back of a passing wagon. "He has his opinions but his medical practice is straight up facts, no nonsense."

"I might have given up if it hadn't been for you and Margaret."

"Don't know about my part but Margaret would never have let that happen and you have recovered pretty well in a few short days it seems." They stepped up from the road and made their way to the hotel.

Margaret hurried from the dining room arms out to receive her adopted ward.

"Well? What did that old fool say?" They embraced and did a slow rotation.

"Don't be harsh now, Maggie. Willard took the opportunity to be Willard - magnanimous to the end." Nathan twirled his hat in his fingers, observing the obvious attachment that had rooted between the women.

"Oh, Allison . . ." Margaret's eyes glistened and she closed in for another hug.

"Uh- guess Miss Bleeker would like to get her things togeth-"

"Oh for heaven's sake, Sheriff what is your rush, you have some actual work to do that can't wait?"

"Well the next stage is this afternoon, I just thought-"

"I doubt that. C'mon dear, we'll get you organized and then have some lunch."

Nathan wondered what was so different about his suggestion- aside from the lunch. He waited until they reached the end of the hall then spent a moment or two looking in different directions for some clue as to his next move.


"What are you going to, dear?" Margaret asked as she folded the dress Allison had first arrived in town wearing..

"I really don't know. I won't have much money left after I pay for the hotel and a stagecoach fare."

"Are you really going back east then?"

"What else can I do? There's nothing here for me now . . ." She leaned against the window frame. "Seems there never really was." She slipped down to her haunches and clasped her hands. "How could this all have happened, Margaret?" Her voice cracked. "I killed a man-"

"Stop that right now." More roughly than intended, Margaret hauled Allison to her feet and plopped her on the bed. "You defended yourself against a vicious animal and were declared free. Just stop this self recrme- re- blame!"

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