Chapter 5 - Confrontation

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Ryan watched the sheriff with impatience. He didn't like having anyone loitering in the hotel lobby and especially the law; sent a bad message. Nathan was leaning on the reception counter, his fingers working the brim of his hat and his lips moving silently. When he saw Allison coming down the hall he stood up and framed the whole scene with his eyes before segregating it into separate parts: the hair, the eyes, the nose and mouth.

She smiled warmly and his picture puzzle scattered.

"Something wrong?"

"Huh? No, nothing . . . nothing at all," he put his hat on and offered his arm. "You look mighty fine, Allison."

"Thank you." She took the offered arm and hesitated, thinking they were going to the dining room.

"I thought we might- that is if you don't mind." Nathan fumbled.

"I'd have to know what I might not mind first." Her look flushed his mind empty and he could only point to the street door.

Outside, he gathered his thoughts again and began his practised speech.

"I was thinking we might walk a bit. There's a wonderful view of the sunset from behind the church. This weather has added a little special something to the display." His words rang stiff and phony in his ear and he watched with unease the tiny smile playing at the corner of her mouth. "Uh- I mean if that's okay with you."

"It sounds very nice, Nathan and with the evenings cooling somewhat, a pleasant idea."

He knew she was going along so as not to embarrass him and his mental kicking was pushing him further along the same path.

"The view is from the church cemetery; I hope that won't bother you. I mean, some folks get uncomfortable in- in graveyards." Another kick. Why couldn't he just shut up?

"No, that doesn't bother me at all." Her am tightened briefly on his, signalling her comfort.

They stepped down onto the road and crossed diagonally to the picket fence fronting the church property. Nathan opened the small gate and they followed the dirt path around behind the building.

"This is quite lovely actually," she said with mild surprise.

"The ladies guild sees that it's kept up. We also have a Boot Hill at the other end of town." More useless information, he thought.

"So many graves, I'm surprised."

"The town is around forty years old. Started as a way station for stagecoach and Pony Express riders because of the river at the other end of town and the fact it runs underground through the town. Lots of well water available."

"Jenny Lum has a big well behind her shop."

"Right! She would for all that washing and such. How was the room anyway?" He led her to a small wooden bench facing west and they sat silently for a moment just watching the sky change.

"It is perfect. I wasn't expecting it to be so- so- well, nice. I mean, being in back of a laundry and all. It even has its own entrance . . ." She paused at the implication then quickly pointed to the sky. "Oh look! How beautiful!"

They sat and watched the sky turn bloodshot as the sun dipped below the horizon then darkness gathered around them like a cloak.

Allison looked to Nathan for direction. "I suppose we should head back to some light so we can see where we are going."

"We're okay, I can see fine." He took her hand and led her from the cemetery out to the street.

"I'm glad you showed me that, Nathan; it was beautiful." She took his arm and they stepped up onto the walkway and strolled back to the hotel.

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