Chapter 12 - The Weak Link

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"You helpin' these folks or not, Allison?"

"Yes- yes of course. Sorry Mister Ledger, I was-"

"Only interested in what is, young lady." He lowered an eyebrow and left her with the customers.

"My apologies, ladies. How can I help?" Allison listened but her thoughts were on Nathan and their previous evening. Her impulsive kiss was something she had imagined the first time they had lunch together. He seemed so- so emotionally fragile . . . She chuckled and had to apologize to the woman who asked about a bonnet, assuring her it was just a throat tickle, which she emphasized with a polite cough.

If anyone was fragile then it was her, she thought. Why couldn't it have been someone like him who sent for a bride, someone gentle and caring? She berated herself for the self pity. She didn't really know Nathan Tessler either; maybe he was just as bad . . . she didn't believe that.

"Excuse me, but are you interested in selling any of these items?"

"I'm dreadfully sorry I just- I was- yes, yes of course I am and uhm, is this what you've chosen?"

"It is."

"Wonderful choice it is too. The colour is so complimentary to your- to you." She took the item and wrapped it carefully, placing it in the woman's basket. As the customers left, she leaned on the counter, absently touching her lips. Nathan, you have helped me through this more than you know.

"Are you back on the ground?" Ledger carried several small boxes to the counter and began marking prices on the lids.

"I'm sorry, really. I sold the mauve bonnet to Mrs. . . . "

"Jepson. Clarisa Jepson. Her husband is the telegraph operator at the rail yard.

"I'll remember that, Mister Ledger."

He stopped writing and looked at her. "You've been here long enough, Allison. Call me Edward." He resumed writing.

"Oh- thank you, sir- Edward."

"Hmm, and you can sort these blankets over here, that'll let you get back to your day dreaming."

Allison blushed but immediately thought of Nathan again as she piled the goods on shelves. She knew most of his hesitance had to do with her earlier ordeal and it was something to consider and admire but she was getting past it all and with the danger of the brother removed, she was ready to take up living again.


Nathan left the bank with a strange feeling about Morley and the two strangers. They had scared the pants off the Mayor, left at a boil but had simmered down a sum after visiting the bank. When he learned that Morley wanted to advise him about the expected confirmation of ownership most likely being Playford, a suspicious sensation crawled through his thoughts.

"Mornin' Sheriff."

He looked around and saw Walter wandering up behind. "Walter. You need something?"

"Well- I just wanted to say sorry for messin' up your desk the other day. That man came in so fast and angry . . ." He jigged around, hands waving in supplication.

"It's fine, Walter, don't worry about it. Try eating over a plate or better still, outside."

"Thanks, Sheriff, I surely will. Uhm- them two fellas that brought that Wellman brother in- they uh, they bin loadin' up a wagon with wire and kerosene."

"Where? When?"

"While you was in the bank; they pulled outta town about half an hour ago."

Nathan glanced at the bank and caught a quick glimpse of Morley moving away from the window. His earlier suspicion pushing through again.

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