Chapter 16 - Not Quite as Planned

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"What the hell were you thinking? We've got a pair of Deputy Marshals just down the hall and you're out lookin' to shoot the Sheriff like some back shootin' coward!" Playford threw his hat across the room. "I thought you were supposed to be some kind of professional."

"It's what you wanted," Trace argued back. His body stiff with anger at being scolded like some schoolboy.

"Wanted, yes. Past tense. We don't need it now, we have the papers remember?"

"You think they make you bullet proof? Why do you suppose those Marshals are here? I'll give you odds your friend at the bank is shaking in his greedy boots and ready to sell you down your precious river."

Ansen stared at his hired gun, unable to respond readily to the statement - it rang too true. He saw Banner nodding to himself, his face adopting the smirk of having gained the upper hand.

"I'll visit him in the morning and mention your name so forget the Sheriff and concentrate on moving on with the plan. My men will be here by tomorrow's stage, we can pick them up and get started with the wire on the property."

"Fine, but don't think the Sheriff and I are done; he's made it personal." Ansen made a face and massaged his forehead; Banner was beginning to lose his appeal.


A swath of sunlight stole across the floor catching the toe of a boot, a rumpled piece of clothing and continued up the wall beside the bed ending against a section of the wire foot board. Sated sighs emanated from the part still in shadow and a rustle of blanket seemed to modify the pleasure.

"Good morning."

Allison sat up and rubbed her eyes, squinting through the bright path. "What are you doing?"

"Watching you sleep- and listening . . ."

"What time is it, I have to get to the store?" She began to step out of bed then gave a small gasp and snatched the blanket for cover.

"I don't have a watch but I reckon it's about seven, marking the sun. I made some coffee-"

"What!" Her exclamation was a harsh whisper. "You went into Jenny's and- and-"

"Nobody was there. It's fine- and I'm dressed anyway."

She padded across the room, tripping a few steps on the trailing blanket and shoved through her clothes rack behind his chair. "Don't turn around. And why is the chair over here?"

"The better to watch you, dear." He smiled at the unintelligible muttering and stood up. "I have to get up to the hotel while Bates makes his arrest- I'm not looking," he laughed at her squeal. "I didn't think you'd mind really."

"No woman wants to be ogled when she first gets up in the morning."

"I wouldn't have ogled exactly, just-"

"Nathan! Just go and make your arrest . . . and be careful."


Heading up to the hotel Nathan saw Dora Cutter striding with an air of bold confidence toward him. He touched his brim as he angled toward her.

"Mornin', Miss Cutter, going to send off your report?"

"Yep. You doin' rounds . . . Sheriff . . .?" Her pace slowed along with her words and she looked at the laundry where he was coming from.

"Rounds?" He followed her gaze. "Oh, yeah- rounds. Yeah, like to make sure things are- gotta keep on top of . . ." She cracked a smile. "So, you ready to make the arrests?"

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