Chapter 15 - Some Action - Some Plans

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Trace was looking up the stairs to the third floor, one foot on the bottom step. Nathan could hear Jennie saying something about having warned him and he saw the gunman's hand hovering near his holster.

"We have a problem here?"

"None of your concern, Sheriff, just a business dispute." He stared up at Jennie then stepped away from the staircase.

"That right, Miss Christie, just a business dispute?"

"He's been told he's not welcome here, Sheriff and I'd appreciate you asking him to leave."

Nathan felt the perspiration gathering under his arms; this was not on his calendar for the day. Trace unhooked his gun's hammer and spread his feet slightly.

"Yeah, ask me to leave, Sheriff."

"We don't need to have any trouble here, Banner. Just do as the lady asks and everybody carry on."

"It'll be a hot day I let some whore tell me what to do."

"It'll be a hotter day for you if you don't, son." The voice startled Nathan and he turned to see Bates and Cutter on the stairs behind him. Trace's hand had moved well away from his gun and he was gritting his teeth, watching the new pair that just arrived.

"I suggest you do as the Sheriff asks . . . and right now would be a good time." Trace, grunted and started toward the stairs to leave.

"I think an apology to the lady is in order." Dora moved to block his path.

"Think again." He started to move but the carbine swung off her back like lightening and he heard a shell being levered into the chamber.

"I have and it's still the same." Dora poked the barrel into his stomach. The group stood frozen as if sculpted, only the slight sound of breathing and the tic at the corner of Trace's eye said different.

He stared up at Jennie and feeling another poke, made an apology. She turned her back and walked away.

They watched the gunman stomp down the stairs and up to the bar, remaining silent while Dora ejected the round and re-loaded.

"That one of our bad guys?" Bates asked.

"Trace Banner, the baddest." He turned to Dora, "You poked the bear there, ma'am; he won't take that lightly." With a lip curl he assumed was a smile; she left them and went to her room. "That was actually very fast." Nathan remarked.

"Dora's not one to mess with, Sheriff. One reason I asked her along."

"One reason . . .?" Bates smiled, winked and went off to his own room. Damn, never asked him about Morley. Nathan went carefully down to the saloon.

Maggie was talking with Wren and Ryan when Nathan came through the lobby and he told her she could go upstairs, everything was cleared up. Maggie watched from the entry then caught Nathan as he was going out the door.

"A Deputy Marshal Bates told me to tell you he would like you to join him for dinner ."

"I just spoke with him; he didn't say anything to me about it."

"I expect he knew that I was someone he could rely on."

"I didn't say-"

"Unlike someone I know, the Marshal can say what he means."

"I didn't mean-"

"You should bring Allison as well; he'll probably have questions for her."

"How do you know what he wants?"

The Brideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें