Chapter 3: Save You

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Alice POV***

Its dark, and most of the men are asleep. Only one guard keeping watch. This shall be easy.

"Stay here" I order Katherine

"there is no way I am allowing you to go out there alone" she argues back

"I will be quicker and quieter on my own" I explain

"Fine, but first sign of trouble I'm helping" she sates.

Knowing she is stubborn I didn't bother auguring back any further. I creep up behind the guard and slit his throat. Gently laying him on the ground, not to wake up any of the others. I heard over to the girls and shake them awake. Immediately telling them to be quiet. I cut free their hands and they are free. The one however, immediately shot up and ran. Obviously scared for her life. However, didn't see the huge man sleeping on the floor. Causing her to fall on top of him. Him shot up and started shouting.

"The women are free" he shouted, waking up all the men. Here I am, surrounded by 20 bandits, with a small knife that has currently got their friends blood on it. They all started to approach me. I grabbed my knife tighter, I wasn't going down without a fight. I stabbed the closest man to me, he fell to the floor. I was just about to get another one when I heard.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you" a man says. I looked round to see Katherine with a gun pointed to her heard and tears streaming down her face.

"Drop it, or she dies" the man ordered. I immediately drop the knife and put my hands above my head. A vile excuse of a man comes up to be and shoves me against the tree.

"I should kill you now, for what you have done to Alan and Gilbert" he says while glaring at me

"No you won't, she's a fighter. Will fetch a lot of money on the market" the one man says. I now notice he is slightly older than the rest. Must be the one in charge.

"Tie all 4 of them back up, and make sure hers is damn tight. Can't take any more risks" he says while walking away. I'm shoved to the floor and my limbs are bound together making it impossible for me to move. I watch as the other women are placed next to me.

"I'm so sorry" Katherine apologies

"Don't, you didn't do anything wrong" I state. I look in front of me to see the man has finished with my ropes

"He said I couldn't kill you, he never said I couldn't touch you. You wait till later" he threatens me. I don't respond. Just stare at him. Challenging him. He soon walks away.

"What are we going to do?" Katherine whimpers beside me

"I always think of something don't I?" I state

"yes, but I don't think you alone can get us out of this? She says

"well I'm going to have to, as no one is coming to help" I state while observing the camp and possible escape strategies

Porthos POV***

We stumble upon a group of bandits and usually we just carry on moving. But this group was different. They had captured 4 innocent women.

"We should leave, this is just going to delay us from finding the Princess" D'Artagnan

"There are women there, do you know what will happen to lone women like that?" Aramis says

"I understand that, but they are not the women we are looking for. Look at them, most likely whores or beggars. What happens if the Princess is killed because we spent too much time freeing those women" D'Artagnan questions

"We don't even know where the Princess is, these women need our help. I say we stay. It won't take us long" I state.

We watch as one of the men approaches the group of women with a smirk on his face. we all knew what he was going to do. He goes to grab a blonde female in a tattered dress. However, is shortly stopped by the brunette sat next to her.

"Not her take me, you said earlier you want revenge. Then take it" she states. He replies with a smile and begins to untie her bounds around her limbs. She stands up and he places a gun to the back of her head.

"Walk, now" he orders pointing to the woods. She begins to walk. No sign of fear of her face at all. We follow behind them. Waiting for the right moment. we watch at she is pushed to the floor. I immediately go to stop him, but am held back by Athos.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this" the man states and he begins to unbuckle his breeches.

"So am I" the women say's. Then in a flash she pulls out a knife from her boot and stabs him in the head. He immediately drops to the floor beside her. I couldn't believe my eyes. She jumps from her positon and grabs the gun which is next to the dead man's body. She begins to walk towards our position when she must have noticed our presence. She immediately holds the gun up in front of her.

"Come out now, and I won't shoot" she orders. We all look at each other and nod. Slowly coming out so the woman could see we mean no harm with our hands above our heads.

"What was you doing here?" she questions

"well we came to save you" Aramis plainly says

"Well as you can see, I don't need any protection" she says with a smirk.

"We can see that, but you may want our help to get your friends though" Athos says

"Who are you? And why would you want to help?" she questions while giving us a puzzled look.

"We are musketeers, and because it's the right thing to do. No women should be treated like this" I say while staring at her. She's captivating. Her beautiful green eyes, knife in hand and covered in blood. I don't know why, but she is just enchanting to me.

"You can help, but you follow my orders" she explains. We all do a little giggle, then we see she is being completely serious.

"Ok then Captain, where do you want us?" Aramis says

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