Chapter 8: Free?

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Alice POV***

I spent the next couple of days hidden away in my chambers. Wanting to avoid any situation or chance of seeing the musketeers. I was embarrassed. Athos was right, a Princess shouldn't get involved in these sorts of events. But I couldn't help it. These pretty dresses and fancy jewellery just wasn't me. I hated every moment. I was sat staring out the window when Katherine bursts in. I turn round to see her with a determined look on her face and a new dress in her arms

"No" I immediately respond.

"I'm not taking no as an answer, you have been hiding in here for three days. It's time to show you face in public" she tells me as she lays the new dress on the bed. 

"I can't, I can't be this perfect princess they all want me to be" I confess to her.

"You are the strongest person I know, you can do anything" she reassures me. 

"I can't be who they want me to be, I want to be free" I tell her as a tear runs down my face.

"Then be free" she simply says with ease. 

"What?" I turn round to question her. 

"They need you to be the perfect princess when in public situations, but you can be whoever you want to be out there" she points to the window.

"I don't understand what you are suggesting" wiping the tear away

"You are a fighter Alice, so go out there and make a difference. Not as Princess Alice, but as a girl who is free and has the heart to help people" she rests her hand on my shoulder in a comforting way

"Could I get away with that?" I ask thinking of ways this could be possible

"You did in the forest. As long as you are careful and smart, then why not. Half of Paris hasn't seen you in years, none of them actually know what you look like. Keep a low profile and fight for the people of Paris" she tells me

"Katherine, you are a true friend. Thank you" I hug her.

"Now, put the dress on and smile. It's time to be a perfect princess and go say goodbye to your sister" she hands me the dress and walks out. I do as instructed. Now with a hopeful smile on my face. Could I have two different lives? Be the lady my family need me to be, but also have the freedom my heart desires.

I walk down to the hall with my head held high. I stand next to my brother and avoid eye contact with all the musketeers. I am a strong person. I say good bye to my sister and my nephew with a smile on my face. Soon after the departure I begin my journey back to my room. As I am walking up the stairs I am stopped when someone steps in my way blocking my route. I look up to see Porthos. I try to walk around him, not wanting to engage in any conversation with him.

"Please just wait" he hastily asks me. I stop for a moment waiting to see what he has to say

"We didn't mean to offend you the other day" he starts. I don't speak just listen.

"We just think its best you are kept out of these dangerous situations" he attempts to explain

"You're a princess, it's our duty to protect you" he finishes

"Have you ever thought for a moment that maybe I don't want your protection?" I reply harshly.

"it's my job to protect the Princess" he confirms

"Of course, I wouldn't want you to actually listen to what I want for a change. You just focus on your job Porthos" I get angry and start to walk away

"Please Alice" he says

"If you only see me as a princess you need to protect, then you will address me with the correct title. Alice is a name that is only used by my friends. Good day musketeer" I state and walk away from a devastated Porthos.

I walk into my chambers to see a black cloak on my bed. with a little bit of paper attached. "please be careful, and stay hidden". Katherine really does think of everything. Tonight I will finally be free again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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