Chapter 7: Duel

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Alice POV**

The next day I walk into the ball room to find Porthos and Athos stood in front of the Duke. Neither turn to look at me as I sit next to the king.

"A bodyguard of musketeers, it's like being protected by wolves" the Duke spits. No one reply's

"Have you captured the man who tried to kill me" he enquires with frustration threaded through the tone of his voice.

"We shouldn't allow ourselves to be distracted by minor issues" the Cardinal hastily responds

"My life, might be a minor issue to you Cardinal but not to me" the Duke states back.

"You came to Paris to sign the treaty, further delays are not ones interest" the Cardinal responds. The Duke then approaches the musketeers. My eyes immediately follow his actions.

"I will fight a duel" the Duke says while looking at Porthos and Athos. I immediately tense, not liking the sound of this idea.

"With this one" he says pointing at Athos. My shoulders relax a little, knowing Porthos was out of harm's way. I knew Athos was the best swordsman in the musketeers. He would be fine.

"if he wins then we discuss the treaty. But if I triumph then I return home immediately" the Duke proposes. Everyone stays silence for a moment. Then captain Treville gives Athos a nod. And both the Duke and Athos prepare to fight.

"I'm sorry, I assume you are joking" the Cardinal states. When we realises he isn't going to get an answer out of the Duke he approaches the captain and starts whispering. Once finished the Cardinal comes to stand next to the king

"Is this a good idea Cardinal?" Louis questions

"That rather depends on the outcome" the Cardinal responds not looking at the king. I watch as the Duke and Athos walk to the centre of the room, ready to fight.

"He who draws blood first is the winner" the Duke says pointing his sword towards Athos.

"Princess, maybe it would be best if you left. Women tend to find fighting distressing" The Duke offers me.

"I have witnessed much fighting in my time, thank you for the consideration though" I respond with a smile. I look next to me to see a smirk on Porthos face. Knowing just how much fighting I had witnessed and participated in. The fight is over quickly. I enjoyed watching it, since being in the palace I have no interaction with fighting at all. And I'm starting to miss it. Athos of course won the fight.

"Shall we say 9 o'clock" the Cardinal states. I can see the captain whispering to Porthos and Athos. Shortly after the duke leaves the room. And the musketeers follow close behind. I wait a moment then decide to follow. I walk down the corridor to find Porthos and Athos whispering about a scar.

"What's all the whispering about?" I ask making them both jump. Clearly not expecting my arrival.

"Your majesty" Athos states as himself and Porthos bow

"Please don't do that with me gentleman, we met in the wood remember I am the same Alice" I remind them. They both smile back at me

"So are you going to tell me what all the whispering is about" I repeat my question. Not whiling to give up so easy.

"Nothing we can't handle, no need for you to worry" Athos says

"I am not worried, just interested" I confirm to them

"Unfortunately, we aren't able to disclose details as it may put our mission in danger. You are a princess you shouldn't be seen being interested about these sorts of activities" Athos states.

"Oh right, well I suppose I better get back to my reading then. After all, that's all I'm good for" I angrily walk away. How dare he? And I can't believe Porthos just stood there

Porthos POV**

"Why did you have to upset her?" I ask Athos watching Alice speedily walk down the corridor away from us. I could tell that had really hurt her feelings.

"It was to protect her, she can't now or never be involved in what we do. And if you care for her, the way I think you do, you should understand that?" he responds then begins to walk down the steps and out of the palace leaving me to my thoughts, I guess he is right. It's too dangerous for her to be involved. I have to protect her and in order to do that she needs to be kept well away. 

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