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Millie and Bella arrive at the Cullens just in time. "We were wondering if you were game enough to be late." Edward teases as he opens Bella's door for her.

"We are right on time, mind you." Millie taunts right back.

"Right you are, darlin'." Jasper encloses his hand with Millie's and all four of them walk to the front door.

Alice bursts out the door clapping her hands excitedly. "It's time! It's time!" She sing songs, pulling the girls into a hug. She grabs both girls and drags them into a decorated living room. Hundreds of pink candles and rose filled crystal bowls line the living area. Millie notices all the Cullens look dressed up, all gorgeous. As usual, Millie thinks with a little snark.

She hears Edward stifle a laugh and he gives her side eye.

Esme and Carlisle both give Millie and Bella hugs. "Sorry about all this. We tried to rein, Alice in." Carlisle smiles.

Esme laughs, "like that's even possible. Happy birthday girls."

A flash of light makes everyone turn towards Alice, who holds Bella's camera. "Found it in your bag. Mind?"

Bella looks exasperated but gives Alice a smile. "Alice. get the two birthday girls!" Emmett says with a big grin. He mimics a photo being taken as if she didn't understand him. Alice laughs and aims the camera at the girls.

Millie slings her arm around Bella's waist. She gives a cheesy smile to the camera whilst Bella smiles small. The two almost direct contrasts but best friends anyone could tell that. Alice snaps the picture and smiles, warmth radiating. "Well I think the family needs a copy of that too."

Jasper leans over Alice and smiles. "I think we do need a copy of that." As he looks at it he's reminded of how much he loves Millie.

Emmett moves closer to Edward, "dating an older woman... Hot." Bella hears and tenses up. Millie snorts into her drink. Jasper laughs at her. He wraps his arms around her, leaning his head on her head.

Rosealie comes up to Bella and shoves a present in her arms. "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out." Bella nods and smiles. Rosealie looks at Millie with faint embarrassment. "Here. I got these years ago and I've got no use for them and I overheard that you wanted a pair." She dangles a bag in front of Millie.

"Thank you." She smiles. She opens the bag and squeals. "Gloves! I've been wanting ballroom gloves for ages!" Millie stamps her feet with excitement.

Rosealie looks away from her when she speaks. "Who knows, maybe you'll have a whole set one day." She leaves it at that and joins Emmett. Seemingly done with being nice for now.

"Couples together! Show me the love." Alice takes a picture of the four. Millie and Jasper look deeply into each others eyes. Millie notices they're a little darker than usual. He'll need to feed soon, Millie makes a mental note to remind him.

Before Millie can think too hard about it, Alice drags both the girls to a table with presents of varying sizes and a massive cake. "Alice, that cake is huge. Bella and I are the only ones who eat here."

"Hope you two are hungry then. Here take this one— it's from Emmett." Alice hands Bella a seemingly empty box.

Emmett grins, "already installed it in your truck." He looks proud of himself. "Finally a decent sound system in that piece of—"

"Hey, don't diss the truck." Bella interrupts. The Cullens laugh.

"Emmett where's Millie's?" Alice asks looking at the table with confusion.

Him and Rosealie get a little embarrassed. "Well, Rose and I thought our gifts could work together." He begins. "So when you want to take those ballroom gloves for a spin, you're looking at the winners of 1940's ballroom dancing competition." He beams at his wife and she smiles right back.

"That's amazing guys. I would love to take you up on that one day." Millie smiles at them.

"Mine next!" Alice shoves a tightly wrapped present into Bella's hands.

Bella starts to open it but then, "ouch. Paper cut." She hurts her finger on the wrapping. Millie goes next to her to see if she's okay but a loud snarl catches their attention.

Millie and Bella look up just as Jasper lunges at them. Edward pushes both girls backwards, Millie maneuvers so she takes most of the fall. They fall onto the table, China breaking everywhere. Bella lands on Millie. Millie can feel blood on her arm, presumably from the glass under them.

"Jas... it's okay." Alice gets in front of Jasper. "You're scaring..." She freezes and slowly turns to face Millie who is now laying in a small puddle of blood. "Millie."

All of them suddenly look at Millie in a hungry way. Millie looks to Carlisle. He jumps in front of her and growls, low. Edward looks white as a sheet but he breaks out of the trance and stands in front of the girls.

"Emmett, get Jasper out of here." Carlisle orders. Emmett doesn't reply. "Emmett."

He snaps out of it and nudges Rosealie too. They drag Jasper out. Millie tries to see him but she feels useless. Esme holds her nose and politely excuses herself.

Alice looks at Millie with fear. "I'm sorry— I can't. I have to." She slips out the door.

Carlisle inspects the wound. "I'll need to stitch this."

"I can carry her to the kitchen." He gets closer to Millie and his eyes fixate on the blood.

"I'll take care of her. Take Bella to your room." Edward lifts Bella and takes her to his room, Bella waves at Millie.

Millie sits on the kitchen counter as Carlisle picks glass out of her arm. "That's one way to celebrate." Millie says dryly.

"It's not your or Bella's fault." Millie winces as he washes the wound. "Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us."

Millie nods, knowing already. "Seems like you're the only one who isn't impacted."

"Centuries of practice, my dear." He smiles.

"Do you ever think about living in the alternative way?"

"I enjoy helping people too much. Helping people and saving lives. I hope I can make a small impact even if I am damned."

"You're not damned. Even if you've done some bad things. The good things you're doing now out weigh that." Millie argues.

Carlisle smiles. "I'm glad you think so. I wish Jasper would think like that. He seems to think that no matter what good he does, it won't equal all the bad he's done."



Millie and Jasper drive in silence. "Jas it's okay. No one was hurt."

He grips the wheel tight. "It's not okay. A normal boyfriend wouldn't have tried to kill you."

"I don't need or want normal. I want you." Jasper pulls the car into the drive way. "You can't protect me forever. Something will come between us, but it doesn't have to beat us." He doesn't answer. "I'll leave my window open."

"Not tonight." He looks straight ahead.

"Can I at least get a birthday kiss?" He looks at her. He take her face gently in his hands, as if he's afraid to break her. He kisses her gently, almost cautious. Then it's intense, more passionate and breath taking. He pulls away as if he has to force himself. "I love you, Jas."

He drives away before she even finishes talking.


Man am I the only one high key in love with Carlisle ???

Hope you enjoyed, lovelies xxx

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